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I hate these sleepless nights. It feels like I stare at my ceiling for hours. I check the time and it was two in the morning. I get up and walk towards my door to get a water. When I got to the hallway, I heard voices from the living room. I stopped in my tracks to see who it is.

"So, do you like my sister?" I heard my brother ask. I can hear him playing video games. "Yeah, she's a great friend." I hear Colby tell him. "I don't think that's what he means." My moms hanging out with them too? I guess she couldn't sleep either.

It got quiet so I know he was thinking. "I'm starting to gain feelings. But she doesn't have the same feelings." He told them as I heard Porter's game in the background. "I think she's just scared to be your so called rebound." Of course my mom had to mention it to him.

"What's a rebound?" Colby asked which blew me away. How does he not know what it is? "Basically it's when you hook up or start dating someone right after you got out of a previous relationship." Porter explained. "That's not it at all." I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this. But I stand a few minutes longer.

"I can see you guys together, you obviously make her happy. And I haven't seen her this happy in a long time." My brother told him as I stayed quiet. Was me being sad that obvious?

"She does?" Colby asked in a worried tone. Like he could hurt me. "We all see it. After Brandon we thought she would never be the same. But I'm starting to see my little girl again." My mom said making me a deep breath. I'm not really thirsty anymore.

I go back to bed and wrap my arms around the Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal. I feel like I instantly fall asleep. The next morning, I wake up early so I decided to make everyone breakfast. I go into the kitchen and grab all the things I need.

I start making bacon as I grab the eggs. "You're up early." I hear Colby behind me. "Same goes to you." I smile as he walks over to me. "What are you doing?" He asked leaning his arms on the island. His biceps look good in that shirt.

"I'm making everyone breakfast." I smile as he does the same. "Here, I wanna help." He said walking over to me. He takes an egg, cracked it, and put it on the pan. "Do you guys have pancake mix?" He asked looking through the cabinets. "No, I'm sorry." I pout as I cooked the eggs. The bacon finished so he took it out and made more.

"Your family's super cool. I think your grandma had a crush on me." He laughed while getting the toast ready. "I think she does too." I agree while looking over at him. He looked super cute doing normal activities.

When we finished the food, Colby set the table while I woke up everyone. "Wake up, Colby and I made breakfast." I say shaking my parents awake. "We'll be out there in a minute." My mom groaned. "It smells good, I'm not waiting." My dad said getting up.

I go into Porter's room so I could wake him up next. I take a football that was on his floor and throw it at him. He groans as he sits up. "It's too early, what's wrong with you?" He asked rubbing his eyes. "Colby and I made breakfast, come eat." He instantly shot up and ran towards the kitchen.

Well that was easier than I thought. I go into the dining room to see everyone sitting down, talking with one another. I'm just sad that today is my last day here with everyone. And then I'm back to California. I spent most of the day with everyone, making sure I get my family time.

Colby and I were currently on the beach watching the sun go down. "I thought California sunsets were pretty." He said as we walked along the shoreline. "I've missed this honestly." I say looking into the distance.

"I'm proud of you. I can tell how much better you've gotten since we've been here." He told me. "You're freaking amazing for flying out here. You really didn't have to." That's when he stopped in his tracks and looked down at me. He was such a good friend.

But that's when I started thinking about the conversation he had with my mom and brother at two in the morning. "You know for someone as smart as you, you could be so blind to things." He said starting to walk again.

"What?" I ask questionably, not knowing what he meant. "I flew all the way out here to make sure you were okay and that means." He said making me stop in my tracks again. Did he just admit his feelings for me? "You really like Hawaii?" I ask not wanting to admit it.

He takes a deep breath before walking closer to me. "You're impossible Vee." He said rolling his eyes. I could feel something between us. Like something was gonna happen.

We both slowly inched closer together and our faces were close together. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. They were so soft and nice.

This feels absolutely perfect. I can't hold back anymore cause time is precious. I've held back for two years cause I was scared to get hurt.

I feel like time stopped when we kissed. Nothing seemed to matter, it felt like it was us against the world.

Nothing could change my views on Colby, I've let him in. I've let him completely in, he's broken the wall that was around my heart.

We pull away, in need a breath. I was looking up at his ocean blue eyes as he was looking down at mine. Nothing could make me happier, than right now.

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