Preference vs Disrespect

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Some of y'all about to be real mad at me, but it must be said.

There is a big reason why using the word "preference" has to be used correctly. Lately there have been several situations that I've seen or been apart of that have to do with people not understanding the meaning of preference, and straight up disrespect of everyone that doesn't fit your preference. Don't get me wrong, EVERYONE is allowed to like who they like and they should feel free to do so. However, it becomes a problem when you state your preference and in addition to that, invalidate, bash, or belittle those who you don't find attractive.

If you feel the need to bash everyone else just uplift the people who fit your standards, that's a problem. Once again, nothing wrong with stating who you're attracted to, but it doesn't hurt to say "hey, I might like certain people, but that doesn't mean everyone else is trash". Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with dating people outside of your usual preference. Things change and as you grow you learn more about people and you get more open minded. So that doesn't mean that just because someone might have a main attraction to one thing, doesn't mean they can't explore anything outside of that. It's like saying that if someone may like pizza more than pasta, that they won't have pasta every once in a while.

So moral of the story, express your preference respectfully and don't bash people who explore outside of their main preference.

This was kind of a short rant and was kind of all over the place. Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

~Question of the day~: What do you find the most attractive about a person physically and mentally?

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