Chapter 4: Troublesome Tests

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Shikamaru, with bored eyes, took in the appearance of everyone else in the Hokage's office. It was packed, but he knew why there were so many people. They were all there to test out Naruto's jutsu, to make sure it was fool proof.

Kiba Inuzuka was there, probably because of his enhanced eyes, hearing, and sense of smell, and he kept glancing sideways at a nervously fiddling Hinata Hyuuga. She was there because of her Byakugan, and the Uchiha was there because of his Sharingan. Kakashi was probably there because he was Naruto's old sensei, although that didn't really make sense. He was just leaning against the wall, a volume of Icha-Icha in his hand, giggling perversely at random intervals. Pervert. There wasn't really a reason why Sakura was there that he could figure out. It must have been because she was Lady Tsunade's apprentice.

He couldn't even figure out why he was there. It couldn't be good. How troublesome. Now that he thought about it, why had the Hokage asked Naruto about her henge if Hinata was in the village? As far as he knew, she was a female and didn't appear to be on a mission. Oh, well. He'd ask later, maybe after Naruto came... if she ever did. She was late, and the Hokage had already gone through two bottles of sake, which, as far as he could tell, were not improving her mood.

"When is Naruto going to get here?" Kiba asked loudly, and impatiently, running his fingers through Akamaru's fur.

Hinata, with a faint blush on her face, said quietly, "I'm sure that he has a good reason for being late, Kiba-kun."

Shikamaru almost smiled. After so many years, Hinata had, mostly, gotten over Naruto, and now they were actually friends, and, if he wasn't mistaken, which, taking into account his I.Q, he doubted, Kiba was going to ask her out shortly. Maybe she'd be a good influence on the Inuzuka. He was almost as loud as Naruto, and twice as brash.

Almost as if Naruto knew they were talking about her, the doors flew open, and Naruto walked in, but it wasn't the Naruto they knew. All eyes were on her. Her long golden hair was tied up in high pig-tails, like in her Sexy no Jutsu, but she looked different. She had no whisker marks, and she was more delicate looking, with wide blue eyes, slender body, and... wow.

She wore a pale, burnt orange top, with a strap tied around her neck, that outlined her breasts, and was cut off right under her bust, showing a tanned, toned stomach.

A thought nagged at him. Her seal wasn't in sight, but he ignored it for the moment, going back to his study of Naruto.

A pair of baggy dark brown pants hung seductively low on her hips. Shikamaru swallowed hard. She looked almost as good as she had wet, half-naked, with her towel falling off. He wasn't the only one stunned. The room was silent, except for a faint thump when Kakashi dropped his Icha-Icha book in surprise.

Naruto grinned at their expressions, but addressed herself to the Hokage, "Well, what do you think, Baa-chan?"

Lady Tsunade shook her head, "Brat, you just better be glad that that pervert Jiraiya isn't here. You'd be the inspiration for his newest book." She turned to the other occupants of the room and nodded, signaling for them to start their inspection.

Kiba stepped forward with Akamaru, and looked at Naruto closely, sniffing the air. His face was so red that Shikamaru was surprised he hadn't had a nose bleed yet. After a thorough inspection, he stepped back, and reported to the Hokage. "I can't find anything out of the ordinary, besides something faintly chemical," he said, shrugging.

"That's makeup," Naruto offered.

Kiba stared at her but didn't say anything. Hinata went next, after frowning at Kiba for a moment, most likely because he was ogling Naruto. Shikamaru couldn't help but agree with her. There was no reason for him to stare at Naruto quite so much. She activated her Byakugan and the veins stood out harshly around her eyes. After a few moments, she deactivated it and shook her head slowly. "I can't see anything out of the ordinary. Naruto-kun, it looks like you have the chakra pathways of a civilian."

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