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Elaine p.o.v

When Alec came to Camp Halfblood asking for me personally to come with him to Andromeda I was honored. This Adventure... this Quest he was embarking on with his family, would take over six centuries to complete, and it would be exciting and new with no Greek monsters to attack and try to eat us.

I immediately said yes to his request...after recieving a blessing to go from my Father Apollo and Grandfather Zeus who gave me and Alec permission, if I needed to, to tell someone I trusted about being a Demigod...afterall it wasn't like they could do much 600 years away from the Olympians. You wouldn't believe their reactions when I told them the name of the Galaxy I was going to. Lots of Laughter, it had something to do with a sea monster Poseidon sent for a mortals Hubris years ago....anyway Auntie Artemis crafted me a special bow that would always hit my target no matter what was in the way, and a quiver that never emptied. Father gave me a vial that contained nectar which automatically refilled once emptied and a golden daggar that glowed like sunlight. My Brothers and Sisters had given me a tablet with sheet music (as the weight limit was strict) and an acoustic guitar to play while I was homesick to remember them by. Hera, while not liking Demigod decendents of her husbands infidelity, had been kind enough to 'gift' me with a long and happy marriage with lots of children. (When I found my one and only) Aphrodite said my love life would be exotic. Gods knows what she meant by that, I would've been a bit scared to be honest if I hadn't remembered the Aliens we would be traveling with. Aunt Athena had gifted me a stratigic mind that nearly rivaled her own...but not quite. And her famed sewing ability, she claimed that I would need to know how to make clothes not just close wounds...she had a point. Uncle Hades gift was unexpected as I didn't think he would give me anything his reasoning was 'You are going somewhere even the gods haven't been to, so I wished to help.' He gave me twin swords made of Stygian Iron the hilts and grip being made of Imperial Gold so I could hold the blades without adverse side effects their sheathes made of Imperial Gold as well. Uncle Hephestus helped make the swords Hades had given me. Aunt Hestia had given me a rope that could change size at my will that when wrapped around someone would cause them to speak the truth against their will. Uncle Ares had gifted me the ability to use guns...even though I had never been trained with them. Uncle Hermes blessed my travels. Aunt Demeter had given me a few spells that could make plants grow her knowldge they would only work on Milky Way plant life but I was welcome to try it on Andromeda Plant life. Dionysus wasn't going to give me anything, or so he says, but then grants me increased tolerance to alcohol...especially grape based alcohol. And cousin Iris had given me a bag of drachma so if I wanted to Iris message anyone I could.

While I didn't have complete photokinesis like Dad I did radiate a small amount of light from my body that acted like sunlight...many have stated that standing next to me was like standing in the sunlight. And like many of my siblings I had blonde hair and blue eyes with tanned skin all of which were inherited from our Father.

But waking up from Cryo into the new Galaxy, finding the energy cloud, Scott having his stasis interrupted, the hazards of Habitat 7, Loosing Alec and Sara becoming Pathfinder along with the fact I was the only Demigod here was overwhelming. Scott and Sara didn't count they were only Legacies. Finding the Nexus was a mercy. Then we went to Eos and started a Vault which caused us to find a map to an active Vault. We were headed there now.

Gods Help us all.

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