Chapter 1: Beginning

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As I run through the dark, glum forest, all I can feel is fear. Fear that you can't imagine. With trees as tall as skyscrapers and leaves as dark as the night itself. I can't tell if I am running away or toward the threat on my life. This whole situation is wrong and unnatural. It can't be real. This can't be real, but it is. Every myth is real. Every legend in true. I should know. I am one. I am a myth. I am a legend. I should not exist, but I do. Funny how that works. Things aren't supposed to exist but they do.

Behind me I can hear light foot steps, or paw steps in this case. Ever since I saw a young man with shoulder length black hair, and piercing eyes like sapphires transform into a gray wolf, he has been chasing me. Not only did he turn into a wolf, but its huge. The wolf is the size of a full-grown horse, and due to my fear I don't know how long I have been running. It could been minutes or hours and I would not know.

Time moves so slow for me in this moment of time. There are two possible reasons for that. One being that my fear is so thick, like maple syrup, that my concept of the time is gone. It might just be my mint just be my mind reacting to the threat on my life. Like a survival instinct.

Two being that I am moving so fast that everything seems slow in comparation. What other explanation is there for the wolf-man to not have caught me yet. Even though time is moving so slow  everything else zooms past me with amazing speed, but nothing blurs like it should. It all stays in focus like I was not running faster than a normal person, but I am. I am running much faster.

So fast that the wind stings my face and eyes. My hair whips violently behind me.  So fast that things like leaves and twigs cuts me. The cuts don't hurt for long as adrenaline over the pain, making it go away.

Before I know it I am running through a rose bush. The thorns rip at my at my skin and tear wholes in my clothes. The smell of my blood reaches my now sensitive nose. The smell is almost sickening. It smells of rust, salt, and sweat. curious about what is causing such a strong smell I look at my arms and find the source. My arms are so torn up from the rose bushes that I can't see the wounds under all the blood. There is enough blood that it is dripping on the ground as I run, leaving a trail for the wolf-man to follow.

I wish it would all stop. The fear, the pain, and the feeling of not being normal. I want it to stop, but deep down I know I cant be normal because of what I am. What am I even? I don't know and its so frustrating.

All my life I have asked that question, but I have never gotten an answer. I always knew I was not human. Deep down anyway. I always looked human though. I was nothing really special.  

My height was an average of 5.5 and I was built sort of muscular. I am way more muscular than I was yesterday. Now when I look in the mirror at myself I don't look soft like other girls, now I look hard. My eyes were a beautiful sky blue, but like my body those changed over night as well. Now they are yellow like a cats. Even my pupal changed. Yesterday it was a circle among the blue iris, but now it is like that of a cats but different. Cats have an oval shaped pupal and mine are like a black kite in the center of my eye. 

Everything else stayed the same. At least on the outside. My skin stayed the same olive tone and my lips stayed full. My nose stayed the same button. Every freckle was still on my all over my face and my hair stayed the shade of fiery red. My cheek bones lay high up on my face and are as sharp as before. My cheeks were still hallowed out from weeks of no appetite for the food given to me. And my ribs still stood out on my torso.

One thing that confuses me about my appearance is how I am so muscular and yet I am so under weight and malnourished. how is muscle lean and hard still on my bones. I should not really have any.

Everything else stayed the same but my body and my eyes. Well except my speed. I realized I could run like this a few days ago when I was chasing after my curly haired brother in the back yard. One minute I was chasing my little brother, and the next I was two blocks away with in seconds.

After that incident I ran. I didn't was to risk my family finding out and sending me away to be studied. the fear of not being excepted made me run from the family I love. I know see how stupid that is. I would rather be in a lab than here, running away from a wolf-man.

What was I thinking? I can tell you what I was not thinking. I was not thinking that my life would end by a wolf chasing me and eating me for dinner. I was not thinking that I would be running in the forest alone and afraid. I was not thinking that I would die at the age of six-teen.

A snarl behind me saves me from my panicking mind, helping me focus on the sound behind me. it sounds faster than before. Either I am slowing down or he is speeding up. Both are bad but if I had to choose what I would rather die from, it would be him speeding up. I would much rather die knowing that I was strong to the end, knowing it was not really my fault.

Then I am falling. I hit the ground and start to roll down a steep incline. I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head, then everything goes black.

Authors Note:

I am so sorry that I have not been posting much but I got myself grounded. so I was not able to work on any of my existing stories. with all that time on my hands I started to write another story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. In the Shadows is so fun to write. when I am writing it is almost like I am in the story myself. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do writing it.

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