Chapter 1

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Mariella Hart was born and raised in Wiltshire England in a large black manor that had an elegant "H" soldered onto the Gate. Located next to the Hart Manor was the one and only Malfoy Manor the only difference was instead of an "H" on the gate there was an "M". both families only had one child, for the Hart's it was Mariella a beautiful daughter with snow white hair that fell mid shoulder and piercing silver eyes, for the Malfoy's it was a handsome son named Draco with snow white hair and soft blue eyes that flashed grey when he became upset.

Growing up Mariella had been extremely close to the Malfoy's, her parents were often away on business and Narcissa and Lucius took her in to care for her while her parents were away. Draco and Mariella were inseparable, everything they did they had to do it together, they were each other's only friends due to both of their parents high status within the Ministry and the fact they were both two of the richest Pureblood families around. Lucius worked under Mariella's father Qylin as he was the Minister of Magic which made him superior to Lucius, in the eyes of the Malfoy's. They would do anything to keep Qylin and his wife Katriayna happy and on their good side, due to the war that had occurred 5 years prior when Lord Voldemort attacked and killed the Potters leaving Harry untouched besides a lighting bolt scar on his forehead. Harry was now the same age as Draco and Mariella which would be 6.

The day before Mariella's 7th birthday which June 1st her mother told her the news that they would be moving to the States immediately and that her father would have to stay in Wiltshire. Mariella was distraught and didn't want to leave Narcissa and Draco for anything but, unfortunately she had no choice. The next day Katriayna and Mariella took the Floo System to their new apartment in New York City. During this time Katriayna changed her name to Katie and Mariella's to Maya, they kept their last name but everything else changed. Maya was one of the strongest witches of her time and Qylin and Katie knew it would be dangerous for Maya to stay in england much longer without the protection of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Once they arrived in New York Katie used the Obliviate charm on Maya so she would forget that her life in Europe ever existed, she now only had memories of living in New York her whole live with her single mother Katie, she forgot all about her father and the Malfoy's.

The day Maya turned 7 she ran away from home and climbed up the fire escape of a girl's apartment because she heard singing. She then climbed through the window and became best friends with the girl inside, who told her that her name was Riley and that they would be best friends for the rest of their lives. Which was great but Maya constantly felt like she was missing something she could just never figure out what it was. Riley was always fantastic to Maya and her parents Corey and Topanga shortly became a second family to Maya. They took care of her the same way Narcissa did while Katie was working, Corey was even Maya's teacher at school so she had a very fun time living in New York until someone asked her about her family. Because of the Glamour charm that was cast on Maya before she moved it hid her silver eyes and her calming british accent, it even changed her hair from a snowy white to a dirty blonde. The reason Maya would get upset if someone asked about her family is because she honestly couldn't remember any of her childhood, she said the things her mom always told her to say in a situation like this.

Three years passed and Maya and Riley were ireseperatable they did absolutely everything together, until the day before Maya's 11th birthday. Maya was sitting at home when all of a sudden a gorgeous black owl flew into her window carrying a note around its foot, she opened the note and saw that it was addressed to Mariella Hart which Maya thought was strange because that wasn't her first name but it definitely was her last. When she opened the parchment she read,


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Hart,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Maya thought this was some kind of a joke and ran to her mom when she got home from working at the diner and said "Mom an owl dropped off a letter today, it was addressed to Mariella Hart and i'm not sure if that's me or not. It said I have been accepted to a school called Hogwarts? Is this true? Whats going on?" Katie then replied "Sweetheart you're old enough to know now. When you were born we lived in Wiltshire England in the Hart Manor, we come from a long line of witches and wizards. Your father stayed behind when we moved here because it wasn't safe for you at the time, you were the most powerful witch of the country. I had to place a glamour charm on you so you could live a normal life. Your full name is Mariella Gwendolyn Hart." Maya was utterly confused by what just happened and she thought for a moment before replying, "You said you put a glamour charm on me, what does that do? Is there also a way to get my memory back from when we lived in Wiltshire?" Katie then responded "Yes love I can get your memory back and the glamour charm changed your appearance, you naturally have snow white hair and porcelain skin with gorgeous silver eyes, this charm also hid your accent from the rest of the world." "now Mariella I need you to not speak of this to anyone and I need you to go tell Riley that we are moving to London and that we are leaving within the next two days."

Mariella wasn't sure how to tell Riley she was leaving but she had to start before the charm gets lifted, right away she left to go find Riley. "Hey Riles can we talk for a minute?" maya asked with a sad look on her face, "Oh Peaches of course we can! Whats wrong!? I've never seen you this sad before." Riley asked worried. "Well Riles I don't know how to start this but..." she paused for a moment. "In two days I'm moving to London and I won't be able to see you again. I'm sorry Riles but I have to go."

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