Chapter 5

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Back in New York things were going great, at least that's what Riley thought. She did think a lot about Maya and how weird it was when she moved away. Often she thought to herself "Is there something nobody's telling me?" then all of a sudden there was a crash at Riley's bedroom window, it remained shut since Maya left. At this point it was 3 in the morning so it really startled her when she saw an owl sitting right next to her closed window. Carefully she reached the lights and turned them on and opened the window and the owl hopped inside. 

Attached to the animal's leg was a note addressed to Riley Alayna Matthews hesitantly Riley took the note and began reading.

"Miss Matthews,

I am Professor Dumbledore. I am the HeadMaster at your friend Maya's school,

Things have happened since Maya left New York and I would like to inform you so you're not kept in the dark any longer. As I am informed you have not spoken to Maya since she left. There is a reason behind this, Maya is not in fact Maya Gwen Hart and she was not born and raised in New York city with her single mother Katie. Matter of fact her full name is Mariella Gwendolyn Hart and her mother's full name is Katriayna Veronica Hart and her father's name is Qylin Billuis Hart. Maya is in fact a witch and she was born and lived in the Hart Manor in Wiltshire England until she was 7 years old. She then had to move to New York because it became too dangerous to stay here. She was being hunted by the followers of the worst Wizard of our time, Lord Voldemort. He however was stumped by her and couldn't bring himself to hurt her. But that doesn't mean that his followers felt the same way. Mariella is the most powerful witch of our time and she is now aware of this. She also does not know that I took the time to write this letter to you. A couple of months ago there was an accident with some of Voldemort's followers and they ended up killing her parents. Luckily Mariella was at Hogwarts at this time which is her school, it is the best magical academy for witches and wizards in the world. You only get accepted if you are from England Ireland or Scotland. Since her parents passed away she has tried to take her own life but luckily the person who found her happens to be her longest friend. Draco Malfoy. He is also her neighbor and once her parents passed his mother and father took her in and are now her legal guardians. I do not expect you to believe any of this information but I would like to inform you that she dearly misses being called Peaches. You are welcome to visit her. If you reply with a date to this letter you personally I will come and take you to see her.

Thank you for your time Miss Matthews,



P.S. Tell Corey and Topanga I wish them well."

"MOM DAD CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A MINUTE" Riley ended up yelling louder than she thought. "Riley what's wrong?" Corey asked as soon as he walked into the room. "Corey look, the owl. Something happened. Riley tell us what happened" Topanga responded. "Well the owl just showed up and gave me this note. Here look at it. The person who wrote it said he knew you." Riley said quietly. "Yes Riley we know Dumbledore. He wrote us a note the day Maya showed up in your room. We were to keep an eye on her." Corey said. "Why did she not tell me any of this? Was I not important to her?" Riley asked crying. "Honey that's not it at all. They put a spell on her to protect her. She didn't remember who she was when he showed up here. Do you want to visit her? We can if you'd like." Topanga answered. Riley just nodded her head. She was terrified that her best friend tried to take her own life.

The next day Topanga began writing a letter to Narcissa Malfoy.

"Dear Narcissa,

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