Well, that sucks

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You grew up in the Village Hidden in the Sand. You found it very hard to make friends, as you were unable to do ninjutsu or genjutsu. Your clan, the Buki clan, had a chakra deficiency, and  you only had enough chakra to keep you all alive. Your clan could never figure out how to live sufficiently without a good amount of chakra, until they started inventing things. Ever since your clan came into being, they have been building and discovering new ways to create automatic weapons. Sure, your clan could have used other weapons, but they would render useless unless someone had enough chakra to perform jutsus with them. They needed to make something that could be used in close-combat and long-distance fighting. They discovered gunpowder, and from there your clan emerged. 

Your home had many weapons, including glocks, automatic rifles, among other things. They were all hid in an underground arsenal, as many other clans had try to steal the blueprints to create these weapons. Even if they could find the arsenal, though, they could never figure out how to use the weapons, let alone make them. They were too complex for the simple-minded shinobi that surrounded you, still using kunai's and ninja stars.

Because you weren't allowed to bring any of those weapons to the academy, as they were too deadly, you could only use taijutsu. You practiced close-combat fighting for one half of the day while you were at the academy, and the other half you spent at your clan's gun range. 

You wore a long-sleeve fishnet shirt with a bulletproof vest over it. You had a belt that had a few rounds of ammunition as well as a holster on your right side. You wore knee-length sweatpants and long fishnet socks. You wore your headband around your forehead, the casual way to do it, and your hair up in (preferred hair style).

For your 15th birthday, you were given an automatic assault rifle, which you now kept through the belt on your back. You had it to where you could unbuckle it's holder with ease, but an attacker would have a harder time doing it. You could unbuckle it's holster in 5 seconds. The gun was rather heavy, but since you trained so hard every day and built up immense strength, it felt light as a feather on your back. You were ready to kick some ass at the chunin exams, as it was coming up in the next few months.

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