Oh, Lee

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The next day you and Lee train until you can't move. He is incredibly strong. You would never have guessed that under the green jumpsuit, he had such a sculpted body. You teach him how to throw kunai's with more precision and he taught you how to defeat an opponent with hand-to-hand combat. 

From then on, you two were inseparable. You guys were as close as you were with Temari while you lived in the village hidden in the sand. You received frequent visits from the sand siblings, and you loved them to death, but you and Lee just had something you hadn't experienced with them. Every day when you were with Lee, you became stronger. You were with each other almost 24/7, and you had fallen in love with the goofy bushy-brow. You experienced each other's highs and lows, and you were always there for each other. You would do anything for the boy.

The Preliminaries in the Chunin Exams were tomorrow. Damn, time sure flies when you're having fun. You had already passed the test and the forest of death, and you were ready for whatever came next. You and Lee decided to use today as a day to rest. You didn't want to injure yourself before the big day tomorrow. Lee had told you to meet him at the river by the training grounds. 

You change into more casual clothes. You don't bring any weapons, as you weren't going to be training. It was unlikely that you would need them anyway. You wear a black dress with white flowers sprinkled across the top. You put on your usual sandals and put your hair up how you usually do, and you make your way to the river. 

As you're approaching the river, you see Lee sitting at it's edge, fiddling with something in his hand. He seemed nervous. For what? You wondered.

You sit next to him and he looks over at you. He blushes as soon as he lays his eyes on you. "Y-you look very nice, (y/n)." He stutters.

"You look nice too, Lee" You say. He's wearing his usual jumpsuit and whatnot.

"I bought you something, I guess to celebrate your success in the exams" He says as he hands you a tiny box with a red ribbon. You open it and it contains a necklace. It's shaped like a bullet, except it is semi-transparent with a green tint. It contains a little note as well, and it reads, "Thank you for showing me what it means to be loved." 

You blush and look over at him. You knew you loved him, and you guess he knew too. "I've always wanted to express my feelings for you (y/n). Ever since I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. You've helped me realize that what other people think does not matter, only how hard you work and how you use it. Thank you, (y/n). I-I...I l-love you..." He says as he leans in for a kiss. You close your eyes and lean in too, but right as your lips are about to touch his, a kunai is thrown at him. He is quick to react, though, and picks you up and jumps out of the way. 

He looks around for the attacker but he is nowhere to be seen. You both begin to head somewhere else as you notice a pair of bright teal eyes pierce through yours. Gaara? What was he doing here? 

"Hold on a second Lee, I dropped something." You say as you walk towards him. Lee stands there and waits for you as you approach Gaara. "What are you doing here? Were you the one who threw the kunai at Lee?" You ask, a tint of anger in your voice. 

He begins to walk away, when you grab his wrist and force him to look at you. "I loved you, (y/n)..." He says quietly as he walks away again. You stand there in disbelief. How could you have been so stupid? You've known Gaara for years and he obviously had feelings for you. You just never thought about it until now, and it's too late. You doubted he would ever come back to see you. 

You made your way back to Lee and he walked you home. "Sorry about that (y/n)...would you like to continue where we left off?" He asks as you stop at your doorstep. "Gladly." You say with a smile. You both lean in for the kiss when your mother opens the door, rudely interrupting. "(y/n)! Where were you?" She asks and then looks at your teammate. "Hello, Lee. What brings you here?" 

"I was just walking (y/n) home. It is late and I wanted to make sure she got home safely." He says.

"That is very kind of you, Lee. Now (y/n), come inside. You need as much sleep as you can before the preliminaries tomorrow." Your mother says, pulling you inside the house. You look out of the window and wave to Lee as he walks away. He turns around and blows you a kiss, which you pretend to catch.

You go to bed thinking, "how did I get so lucky?"

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