Narry truth or dare #5 slightly dirty

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*liams pov*

So I know niall and harry have a thing for eachother. I'm gonna get them together tonight because we are staying in to night and truth or dare is the best thing to get people together.

"Hey mates" I say walking into out living room. I get a course of hey's and hi's from the boys as I set down the bag I got from the store.

"So mates what do we want to do tonight because I personally don't want to go out."I said sitting next to niall.

"We could play a game" Louis said.

" how about truth or dare." Said harry. Thank you harry I thought.

We all agreed and sat in a circle.

"Liam truth or dare." Louis asked me.

"Dare" feeling a little adventurous

"I dare you to tweet that you love me and like really love me."#lilo I thought. Sophia is gonna question me....

"Okay" I did it and immediately got rts.

I went next.

"Harry truth or dare" please say dare.

"Dare." Yessss I thought.

"I dare you to go into the closet who you like and stay there for 7 minutes with only your boxers on and whoever you take same thing." I'm being a cheeky one tonight.

*harrys pov*

F u Liam like seriously. He knows I like niall and if I show the guys who I like they'll hate me and why in our boxers is he trying to kill me. I have an idea.

"Zayn come on mate." His face was understanding for some reason. Wait does he know I like niall. Well I have 7 minutes to find out.

Why does niall look a little hurt......

me and zayn walk over to the closet in our boxers. I'm glad this isn't niall because this would be so freaking awkward.

"Harry. I know you like niall and he likes you as well. Did you see his face as we walked over here?" Zayn asked me as we sat on the ground.

"We are gonna make him think something happened and see his reaction pay attention when we go out there." Zayn said as he ruffled my hair.

"Harry I'm going to give you a hickey because it will drive niall nuts, is that okay" zayn asked. I just said a quiet yes.

Zayn walked over to me and pushed me down slightly so he could give me the hickey. He started to suck on my neck and I won't lie it felt amazing. But I don't think of zayn in that way. We here a knock on the door and me and zayn stood up. I gave zayn a quick hug thanking him.

We walked out and I see niall look up at my neck and he ran to his room. ZAYN WAS RIGHT. harry you idiot go after him. I ran after niall to go see if he was okay ignoring the pleads of the guys.

*nialls pov*

Liam f u I can't believe that he would do that because I know harry doesn't like me if he did he would of taken me to the closet with him. I can't believe zayn gave him a hickey. He has a girlfriend like really zayn . God I'm so stupid.

I ran to my room and shut the door and slid down it starting to cry.

Then I hear a knock at the door. I answer it and see harry open it and he quickly came in a shut the door and pushed me against the door. "You drive me fucking nuts"

Then he kissed me. We kissed passionately. He pulled away a quick second and he then told me to jumped so I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him even more as he walked us over to my bed. He pushed me down gently and we continued to make out.

He gave me a hickey as well as making out on the bed. I got jealous seeing zayns hickey on his neck so Put my lips on the stop where he left it. I sucked hard earning a moan from harry. After a while of making out on the bed we pulled away.

"Harry I love you I've always had." I said look at his eyes.

"I love you to niall. Be mine" he said

"Yes!" After that we both fixed ourselfs and walked down the stairs to go cuddle for the rest of the night as boyfriend and boyfriend.

The end.

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