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A/N: WARNING!: This story may include some NSFW content, not suitable for all audiences. Grab your holy water and proceed at your own risk xx


I grew up in a small town and moved out to the big city with my best friend, Nancy, when we were 19. Since we were finished our gap year of making money and partying, we decide it would be a good idea to follow our dream of living in the city. We saved up and rented an apartment near the university we are both going to attend. See this is how it all began, we rented and get jobs as waiters. But eventually we were starting to struggle with money, not to a serious point but it was a little uncomfortable. Between paying rent, university bills and getting groceries we were in a bit of a tight spot. About a month after the start of our money struggles, Nancy had an idea. She showed me an app on her phone and said "it's like a dating app but for finding a sugar daddy,"

"What's a sugar daddy?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"It's basically an older guy that pays for lots of your stuff in exchange for sex or even just hanging out, it depends on the guy," she answered blankly.

"Wait so are you suggesting that we should... do that?" I ask.

"Well yeah, it seems easy enough doesn't it?" I stayed silent. and then I nodded. She shows me the app and I downloaded it on my phone.


A/N: This part is in third person but the rest of the parts/chapters will be in first person, enjoy :D

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