Chapter 1 - Meeting

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I go into my bedroom to set up my account and profile.

Bella Jayne

Age: 19

Star sign: Cancer

Looking for: Male sugar daddy

Interests: Drawing, art, music, clothes, shoes, books, writing, bags, painting

Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Extra information: I'm looking for a sugar daddy that will give me money and gifts (sorry if that's too direct). I'm willing to spend time with and do other favours for my sugar daddy ;)

Once my profile is set up I go to show Nancy. She shows me hers and we make them 'reply-able'. After about an hour I get 2 messages and Nancy gets 1. We open the app at the same time and checked the messages:

Dominic: Hear you're looking for a sugar daddy. If you wanna chat check out my profile and see if ya like me love ;)

"He seems nice," Nancy says over my shoulder. "Yeah," I agree as I open the next message.

Brian: Wanna split a wine and beer then fuck??

"Kinda rude... I'm gonna block him," I say. Nancy nods, "Yeah." Nancy opens her message:

Daniel: Hey, was wondering if you'd be down for dinner and checking out my account? Maybe we could go shopping? <3

"Seems nice," I say as she replies immediately with a simple 'sure, when and where'. I check out Dominic's profile, he seems nice enough. He's actually pretty cute. I was expecting to get old average to ugly looking guys but I guess I was wrong. Nancy and I go back to our separate bedrooms to continue our ques for 'sugar', I still feel weird even thinking about it like that.. I message Dominic back:

Me: Hey, I checked out your profile and you're kinda cute ;)

Dominic: Aww thanks love, what are you looking for?

Me: Not sure but do you want to meet up and talk about it? <3

Dominic: Sure sweetheart, just tell me when and where and I'll be right there <3

Me: How about Severa's at 9:00pm?

Dominic: Sure see you then

"Nancy! I'm meeting up with Dominic tonight!" I shout as I run into her bedroom. "Oh my god really! I'm going on a date with Daniel!" She shouts back at me. We squeal and jump around the room. "When are you going?" I ask. "9pm, you?" She replies. "Me too where?" I ask again. "Severa's," she says. "Me too!" I squeal. "We better get ready then, it's already 7pm!" Nancy says. I nod and go off to my room and find my favourite strapless little black dress. It shows off my boobs and butt. They are my best 'assets'. I have a small frame and I'm pretty short so usually dresses like these look to long on me but this one is just right, it's slutty enough but still not to the point of looking like a prostitute. I pull on some white thigh high socks and black, lace up ankle boots. I tie a pastel pink ribbon around my neck in a bow. Perfect. I then get to work on my makeup. A neutral eyeshadow with winged black eyeliner, some fake eyelashes and reddish-pink lipstick, a touch of blush and highlighter and I'm done. I take my hair down from my ponytail, I've got natural waves so I decide to leave them. My hair turns from brown to pink halfway down. Personally I think it's cute.

*Time skip to arriving at the restaurant*

"Thank you," I smile as I get out of my Uber. I walk towards Severa's and that's when I see him. He is wearing a collared shirt, but instead of buttons it has a silver zip. He has black cuffed jeans on with pink socks and black creepers. There is a thin silver chain around his neck. His brown hair is messy and wild. His piercing green eyes meet my gaze and I dart my eyes away so it doesn't look like I'm starring. I walk towards him and he outstretches his arms from a hug. I wasn't expecting that? The hug is warm and oddly comforting for a guy I've barely met. "Hey love, nice to see ya, how was the ride over?" He asks with a wide smile that spreads all the way across his face. His accent isn't from Australia that's for sure, it's thick and honestly quite sexy. "Wasn't bad, thanks. If you don't mind me asking, where are you from Dominic?" I ask. "Doncaster, England. You can call me Dom by the way, using my full name takes too much effort," he laughs. His voice has a certain feeling to it. "Okay Dom, should we head in?" I ask with a smile. He nods and we walk into the restaurant.


A/N: Okay so this is a short chapter to start it off. We will be mainly following the story of Dominic and Bella but if you guys want chapters with Nancy's story let me know :D Yes Dominic is based off of YUNGBLUD. Any NSFW content will have a warning before it so you can skip it if you want. I'm not a great writer but the only way to get better is to practice right? I hope you enjoy this 'book', that's it bye :DD

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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