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Hey, it's Sam. It's currently 3:00 AM, right now. There's nothing going on as of this moment! CRASH! WOAH! WHAT WAS THAT?! I'm gonna see what that was. OH! MY! GOD! WHAT IN THE NAME OF TENNESSEE IS THIS?! All of my cabinets are open. OUCH! Why's there glass on the floor? I have money worth a man's entire world, yet I seem to be in a universe where I step on glass. My foot seems ok, but the pain is not. Man, I really don't feel like cleaning this up. What even happened? An earthquake? Maybe some sort of giant beast roamed my kitchen?! Nah..I'm probably going crazy. In a soft whisper comes the voice of an unknown entity ; "Ssssam?" I didn't really pay mind to it till I felt something warm breathe on my neck. My skin felt like someone was touching it gently. The hairs on my arms were standing up. It was as if they'd ate a bunch of buffalo sauce. The room felt cold and my spine tingled. I hated the cold. I could never do cold well. When I was young, I had a terrible fear of snow and water. I still do. Water makes me feel as if I'm drowning even I don't step in it. I feel as if I need to gasp for air. That's probably why I hate airplanes. I always envisioned myself crashing one day and being stranded in the middle of the ocean, freezing to death. Time ticked and it felt as The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. Now, I'm kind of afraid of everything. Heck, I'm even scared of goldfish. Nothing to be worried about. I'm just sleepy. Maybe I'm in some sort of crappy dimension where I get no peace. As I was thinking that out loud, I heard the voice say "Sssam", again. I've had enough for one night. God, who am I kidding?! It's the morning. This cleaning is done. I'm going upstairs. Upon going up the stairs, there's something weird on the top step....why's it look like it's crossing its arms!

SAM'S PARANORMAL DIARYWhere stories live. Discover now