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Henry was 34. He had the lavish life, fancy cars, all the money in the world, and a self proclaimed ego. He was not a snob, though. He had a wife and was soon to have a child. He would name the child, "Sam." By no means was his life easy.  He had been in a plane crash, ending up stranded in the Atlantic . His body shivered in the frigid cold of the Atlantic! He had been the only one alive as of that moment. He wouldn't last for long. His body slowly faded into the mist of the deep trench in the Atlantic. He was gone. His soul was there, but his body was unresponsive. He had various life experiences when he was young. He had ended up in the hospital because he had choked on a piece of goldfish. He was traumatised by the experience so much, that in fact, he would never allow it near him. He had left the world with his last words being, "And I've come to the idea that maybe life's just a board game"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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