Chapter 5

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These amvs are sadder than my story.
Warning: Cussing 👍

Keith POV

I groaned as Coran announced we would be doing the same activity as yesterday. I glared at Lance, knowing that he's the reason why we were doing this again.

Coran continued, "Let's do something simple. Who-"

I interrupted, "Why did you run off after your ex was shown?"

Hurt flashed across Lance's eyes and I immediately regretted my decision.

An image of a boy with brown hair and tan skin appeared, must be Lance. Lance walked down the hallway and glared at the girl from yesterday. She stopped and reached out towards Lance, but he kept walking. Tears lined the edge of Lance's eyes. He kept walking and bumped into a boy a few inches taller than Lance with brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and black rimmed glasses. He gave Lance a kind smile. "What's wrong?"

Lance seemed to have lost the ability to speak. He just stared into the boy's eyes with a ton of emotion that could only be described as love.

The scene changed to show Lance and the boy talking. Lance asked, "Jack?"

Jack smiled and nodded.

"I love you..." Lance blushed a deep shade of red.

"I love you too, Lancey."

The pair kissed.

The scene switched and showed an older looking Lance. He looked about fourteen. Lance once again bumped into someone, but this person looked like a smaller version of Hunk. Hunk's things went flying and Lance apologized and helped pick them up. Hunk smiled at Lance, "What's your name?"

"The name's Lance, you are?"

"Hunk, nice to meet you."

The scene switched again and showed Jack and Lance holding hands as they walked down a street with Hunk. Soon, however, Hunk left to go home and the couple was left alone.

No smut you ppl.

"Want to go back to my place?" Jack asked with a sickly sweet smile.

Lance let out a nervous smile.

At Jack's large house, they sat down at a long wooden table. Jack pulled out a stack of books from his backpack. "Here you go, Lancey."

Lance brought out a pencil and started working on Jack's homework as Jack just watched.

Hours later, Lance finished and let out a smile. They kissed again.

"Now, now, Lance," Jack said, with that ugly smile, "I got a B- on my math homework yesterday."

Lance looked down with an embarrassed look, "I'm sorry, JJ."

Jack glared at Lance, "You know I expect better than that, Lancey."

Lance nodded.

"But today, I'll let you free if you're punishment."

Lance let out a smile of relief and he kissed Jack.

The scene switched to the next day at school. A woman behind a desk was glaring at Lance.

"Where is your homework, McClain?"

"I didn't have time, Ma'am."

The woman sighed, "One day extension. This better not happen again, McClain."

The scene switched to Lance holding a letter out to Jack, "JJ! I got into the Garrison!"

Jack glared at his boyfriend and he slapped Lance across the face, "Well I didn't you, asshole. You didn't work hard enough on my homework. This is your fault. We are through."

And with that, the memory ended and I opened my eyes to see Lance with tears in his eyes, a Pidgeon wrapped around his waist and a Hunk giving Lance a bear hug. His mind-melding device sat in front of him along with Pidge and Hunk's. I threw mine off, anger coursing through me. I clenched my fists. How could he not tell us? But the anger washed out of me at the sight of Lance's fearful face. Before I could stop myself, the question came out of my mouth, "So you're gay?"

Lance laughed at that and wiped his tears, "You're always so straightforward, Keith. It's funny, actually. But, no, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual."

I nodded and smiled.

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