Field Trip to Avengers Tower Part 2

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I was busy but I should be able to post more often now.

"Tony Stark doesn't have a personal intern," the gaurd said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes he does sir, please, if you could just call Happy-"

"Mr. Hogan is a very busy man. Now, can I go through your bag, or will I be forced to escort you off the premises?"

Mr. Harrington stepped in.

" Excuse me sir, but Peter has to stay with the group for the day. Could he leave whatever set the alarm off at the front desk and collect it when we leave?"

The guard nodded. "I don't think that should be a problem."

Peter shook his head." Sir please. This is a highly confidential project and I don't think Mr. Stark would be happy if anyone saw it."

The guard opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the loud voice of Tony Stark.

"Excuse me, want exactly is going on here?"

The guard turned in suprise, his mouth still hanging open.
"You're- you're Tony Stark."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm aware. Now can we all please stop bothering my intern and let him inside please? That would be wonderful."

The guard nodded and stepped aside. "Of- of course sir, whatever you say sir."

Tony rolled his eyes again, and looked up at Peter as if to say 'Who hired this loser?'

Peter looked at the floor and walked over to join his class.  So much for keeping a low profile.

Bob says hi (•_•)/

The class had toured through some  intern and lower level scientist labs. While the rest of his class seemed very interested, Peter thought it was nothing compared to what he usually worked on in Mr. Stark's lab.

Annabeth, their tour guide, spoke up. "Alright everyone, usually we would go to lunch now an tour the museum after, but this class has been given special permission by Tony Stark himself to visit his personal lab and have an interview!" You could see Annabeth was very excited. "Guys, can you imagine the work that's in there? I'm majoring in engineering right now and..." She trails off, an excited look in her eyes.

"Anyway, follow me. We'll eat lunch in about an hour."

The class burst into excited chatter. Some people were looking at Peter, having seen his interaction with Tony earlier.

Peter begrudgingly followed the group. He knew Mr. Stark was smart enough not to reveal his identity as Spider-Man, but it was sure to be an embarrassing experience nonetheless.

The class walks over to a fancy looking elevator. It has no buttons, instead, Annabeth calls out to FRIDAY.
"Hi FRIDAY, Mr. Stark has given me and my tour group special permission into his lab."

"Hello Annabeth." FRIDAY quickly scans the group and deems Annabeth's words true. The elevator doors open and the group steps inside, looking around in wonder.

"Why is is so big?" Cindy asks.
Annabeth only shrugs, but Peter finds himself speaking up.

"It has to be big enough to fit all the avengers when they actually come in this way."

A couple of people look up at Peter in suprise. He had been so quiet for most of the trip. Cindy still looks confused.

"Wait," she asks. "When they actually come in this way? How else do you get in?"

Peter looks at her. "Iron Man and Thor usually use a landing pad on the roof. Nobody's quite sure how Hawkeye gets in honestly, we think it has something to do with the vents. And then.. Spider-Man usually just crawls through a window."

Some of the class looks at him in suprise, probably wondering how he knows any of that, but at that moment the elevator reaches Tony's lab and the class steps intside.

The class stared around in awe. The intern labs were impressive, but they were nothing compared to this.

Tony cleared his throat, and most of the class turned in suprise, not having noticed him sitting in the corner.

"Hey, so you guys are like, from the science nerd school or whatever, right?"

Ned nodded. "Midtown Tech, sir."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Please don't call me sir. We've been over this."

Ned nodded quickly.

"Anyway," Tony continued, "I thought you guys could like, come up here and I'll show you what some things are. But first we need to set some strict rules. If anyone breaks these rules, your class will have to leave.
Rule number one: you can't touch anything in here unless I give you special permission, which I probably won't. Number two: all of you have signed NDAs so you can't go telling Oscorp or anyone else what you see in here. If you do and it causes a problem I can take you to court, and let me tell you right now that my lawyers will win. Safer just to keep your mouth shut.
Number three: if I tell you to stop doing anything you'd better stop doing it immediately. I'd better not regret this decision later."

Peter spoke up for the second time that day, causing his classmates to stare at him. "You probably will"

Tony sighed and nodded. "Probably. But I'm like, 90% sure all the explosives have been put away."

Peter glanced at Tony's  desk. "Aren't those Clint's new explosive arrows?"

"Shit," Tony cursed under his breath. "Uh, just a minute guys. I'll know if you break any rules, FRIDAY will tell me" Tony grabbed the arrows off his desk and rushed through a door at the back of the lab.

The class continued to stare around in awe.

A/N: Sorry that it's still not finished. I wanted to end the field trip in this part but it's already longer than the first part and I want to get this published. Part 3 should be out on a few days, and after that I may just combine them all into one chapter.

(1008 words)

Have a good day

Stay safe

You matter


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