Field Trip to Avengers Tower Part 3

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A/N: So.. sorry. I know I said part three would be out in a few days and it's been a few months. There are a few reasons, I'm working on something for another fandom right now and I don't have a lot of time, but also halfway through writing this Wattpad decided to delete it. So, if it seems rushed a lot of it is rewritten. (Slight spoiler alert:) The villian of this chapter is an oc.

Tony hurried back into the room.

"Okay, now all of the explosives are gone. Uh.. does anyone have any questions?"

Almost every hand in the room shot up immediately.

Tony looked a bit overwhelmed. "Ok, uh.. what about you?" He pointed to MJ.

"What is Stark industries doing to prevent global warming? Are you aware that the high majority of pollution comes from large companies?"

Tony smiled. "Yes, I actually am aware of that. That's why Stark industries is entirely energy efficient. Also, all of our products are completely recyclable and/or biodegradable. We have been working hard for the past ten years to be a completely sustainable company."

MJ actually smiled for once.

Tony pointed at another girl, who was in Peter's math class.

"Do the Avengers ever just hang out? Like, movie nights or whatever?"

Tony looked confused. "That's a weird question, but yeah? Sometimes?"

The girl's face lit up as she whispered, "Oh my goodness it's canon." Her best friend rolled her eyes.

The Q and A continued for another 30 minutes before Tony checked his watch.

"Sorry guys, we're gonna have to end this now. I have meeting on five minutes and I think Pepper will actually murder me if I miss another one."

Annabeth led the kids to the elevator, and they chatted excitedly.

"I can't believe we just met the Tony Stark."

"I know, right? I wonder why he was talking to us."

A girl whose name Peter couldn't remember spoke up.

"I'm sorry, are we all just going to ignore the part where Tony Stark called Peter his personal intern?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Wait, when did he say that?"

"When we came through the metal detectors, and Peter got pulled aside! I can't possibly be the only one who heard!''

MJ decided to stand up for Peter.

"Yeah, I heard. But the thing is, that's exactly what Peter has been telling all of you for six months now. Is it that much of a suprise?"

A couple of his classmates looked ashamed, and Annabeth spoke up.

"Ok guys, we're gonna have lunch in the cafeteria now. The Q and A with Tony wasn't in the schedule, so we've missed touring the intern labs and will instead go straight to the robot building competition after lunch."

Some kids talked excitedly at the idea of a robot building competition.

Peter got some pizza from the cafeteria and sat down next to Ned and MJ.

(•_•)/ Bob the time skip says hi again.

Peter walked into the robot building room with his class.

They were just getting started when Peter felt a familiar tingle on the back of his neck. Something was about to happen. He shot up out of his seat on a panic, and everyone turned to stare at him. However, before they could say anything, a window shattered. Peter spun around to glare at the invader, only to see... himself? It was almost like staring on a mirror, but there was something just slightly... off about it. Not-Peter smirked.

"Hello", he (it?) said. "I've been expecting you."

The real Peter squinted in confusion.

"You.. burst in on us. Of course you were expecting us."

Not-Peter rolled his eyes. "Exactly."

Mr Harris choose that moment to let out a very high pitched scream, and all hell broke loose. Peter took the opportunity to rush to the bathroom and change into his suit.

Worry flooded his mind. Who was this villain? Did he know his secret identity? Peter realized with a sinking in his stomach he had to. Why else would he take Peter's face over the many others in the room?

Suit on, Peter rushed back into the lab. It was still chaotic. Students were screaming and running everywhere. However, the villain remained calm, still wearing Peter's face. Peter shouted over the chaos.

"Hey! Mirror-Man! Over here!"

Not-Peter scowled.

"My name isn't Mirror-Man. It's Reflection."

"Mirror-man sounds cooler though. It has alliteration and stuff."

Most of the students noticed Spider-Man and stopped screaming.

Reflection snarled and lunged at Peter, who dodged and shot a web at the villains head. Reflection wasn't as strong as Peter, but he was definitely enhanced. He fought quickly and Peter struggled not to get caught. Just as he thought he might loose, the doors burst open and Tony flew in wearing the Iron Man suit. Peter smiled and stepped back.

*Time skip because I don't know how to write fights I'm sorry*

Reflection was arrested, but first Tony took him in for questioning about his powers and how he knew Peter's identity.

Peter got back on the bus with his class.

"I can't believe you missed the fight Peter!" Betty exclaimed. "You never got to see Spider-Man!"

Peter shrugged. "I'd rather be in the bathroom by myself then in a lab with someone who might kill me, even if Spider-Man is there. I'm not the king of person to put myself in dander for no reason."

Ned gave him a weird look.

The girl whose name Peter still couldn't remember spoke up again. "I'm sorry, are we just going to continue ignoring that Peter is Tony Starks personal intern?

Nobody seemed to hear her.

A/N: Sorry this took so long. I really haven't had any motivation to write lately, and I'm not as into the Marvel fandom as I used to be. I'm posting this unedited at 2 am, so I might make some minor changes tomorrow. I may do a oneshot about Reflection's backstory, but I'm not sure. Anyway, thank you so much for all the votes, comments and veiws. In December I posted a cheaper about how this story had 259 views, and as of March it has 558. Thank you all so much, and sorry for this obnoxiously long authors note.

(1064 words)

Have a good day

Stay safe

You matter


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