Chapter two : casual affair.

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17th October 2014, 10:27am. 

The feeling of guilt is finally off my chest. I have opened my eyes to a brand new life & I have even made myself believe the fact that my mother died in a car crash. Cool, right? Isha & I went shopping today. My mama won't be needing a credit card anymore, right? If you think I'm way too messed up to be alright in such a situation, she burnt my brother alive. She deserved to be dead. Walking into American Apparel, I left Isha wander around the kids section. She had a little sister named Rina, who I adored. She was so grateful for the shitty life she had & I admired her for that. I decided to scan through the womans section, looking at the various turtle necks & flannels that were folded neatly. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms scoop me up from the waist. It was my boyfriend, Jai. I had totally forgotten about him ever since the incident happened. Meaning yesterday. However it felt like YEARS. "Hey, sweet cheeks. How come you haven't been answering my calls? " Honestly, I had nothing to say. No excuse or anything. But I had to lie. Jai was very. . . -- judgemental to understand the fact that I killed my mother. I pecked his lips softly, grinning at the same time with my pearly white teeth. "No reason, to be honest. I was with Isha & a girls night doesn't include boys like you! " I giggled, placing down a pair of boots I had decided to check out. "Oh, well, d'you think we could go on a little date tonight? " He asked in the most cutest way possible. "I'd love to, babe, but my new babysitter's coming over tonight & daddy wants me home all day. Maybe tomorrow after school? " I suggested, wrapping my arms around his neck. He gave a little nod with a pout, simply kissing my forehead after a few seconds. For a while, we just stood there trying different Halloween accessories for no absolute reason until Isha came over. "Hey, Jai. I don't want to interrupt you guys or anything but I've paid for my stuff so I'm going to go. Jai, can you drive her home? " I smiled at Isha & gave her one last hug. "Of course I can! See you later, Isha." He waved at her, wrapping him around her waist. Seeing as Jai had come and disturbed me from shopping, I decided to just go home instead. I was way too tired to do anything & home with Jai sounded so much better.

After Jai dropped me home, he decided to come in for a couple of minutes. But things got a little bit heated and we ended up having a massive make-out session. Running my fingers through his hair, I fiddled around with his earlobe piercing, giggling against his lips. DO NOT WORRY. We had our clothes on. As he lay ontop of me, I carried on roaming my hands around his back, my chest pressing against his. For a few more minutes, this happened on repeat until the most embarrassing thing happened. While me and Jai were getting planned to have sex, a small ahem was heard behind us. As we both disconnected our lips and pushed eachother off ourselves, I caught my eye on the most gorgeous male ever. That sounds INCREDIBLY cheateristic, if that's a word, as I was just making out with my boyfriend but I swear, this boy was. . . -- so fucking hot. "Sorry to disturb you lovebirds but as entertaining as that was, I need to babysit you." He pointed at me. My heart stopped. HE WAS MY BABYSITTER? Oh, thank God. "Wait, you're going to babysit her?" Jai stood up with a raised brow, inching himself towards the other male. "Yes, you moron, - stop getting close to me." He replied, placing a hand on Jai's head and pushing him onto the bed. I let out a smirk, shaking my head. "Jai, I'll see you tomorrow." I winked, smiling as I pecked his lips one last time before he got out of the door. Looking back at my babysitter, I raised a brow. "What are you looking at? " I remarked, folding my arms. "My name is Brendon & if you're annoying, I'm going to quit my job." He smiled, leaving the room. I chuckled at his reply, walking over to the bedroom. 

After getting dressed into my PJ's, which were just a tank top that showed off A LOT of cleavage ( whoops ) & some short boxers, I made my way downstairs, tying my hair up into a messy ponytail. My hair was a dirty blonde kind of hair that had light brown streaks in. I had bright blue eyes and a very pretty face shape. Not to be modest or anything, but I was fucking hot. Anyway, I sat down onto the couch opposite Brendon, smiling lightly at him. All I could see was a smirk on his face. He creeped me out in the slightest of ways but he was so hot, I couldn't resist but just stare at him. "Oh yeah, your father wanted me to tell you that I'm going to be sleeping in his bedroom so basically, it'll be like me sleeping over your house." He smiled, taking off his glasses and running a hand through his messy gorgeous hair. "Y'sure you're not a murderer? " - That word made my ears ring. But it shouldn't. I got nothing to regret. "Yeah, I'm sure. Y'sure you're not a murderer? "

Hold up, what the actual fuck? Did he know or? Just act cool. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I smiled, twirling a strand of hair around my pale finger. After a few seconds of silence, Brendon finally decided to break it. "I'll be right back." He smiled, getting up and walking into the bathroom. I stayed on the couch for a little bit & after that, oh my. He came out shirtless. And his body was so fucking hot. It turned me on in so many ways, -- that sounds so wrong. But it felt so right. "Baaaaack." He sang, emphasizing the A's in the word. I chuckled, rubbing my hands together and gathering by body together aswell. "I'm going to go to bed." I fake yawned, waving with a little smile before running upstairs & slamming the door shut. There was a really hot guy living in the same house as me. And we were alone.

End of Chapter two.

HIYA !!! Thank you for reading !! I hope you enjoyed. Chapter three will be out tomorrow but

please do follow me on Twitter: @arcticisha & leave your feedback in the comments.

Bye, loves !!

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