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[ Before I get started, I just want to inform you all, this story is inspired by the Netflix original movie, "Secret Obsession" directed by Peter Sullivan! Yes, it's inspired, NO THIS ISN'T PLAGIARISM! Yes, same title..similar everything BUT, I will be changing SOME THINGS!! because, I don't wanna disrespect the creators of "Secret Obsession." I just watched it last night and got inspired! This is FANFIC. Eva (main character) is Jennifer, And Taehyung (her husband) is Russell. I will NOT be using the original names, Jennifer, Russell, or ANY OTHER ORIGINAL CHARACTER NAME IN THE NETFLIX ORIGINAL MOVIE! Again, I will be changing stuff so it's not plagiarism! Thanks, enjoy! ]

It was raining, pouring and cold. Eva ran in fear to a near pay phone, to get help. She dialed 911,  she waited for a response. She held the phone up against her ear, desperately. She aggressively slammed the payphone as her breathing got heavy. She took the phone and slammed it against the machine. She looked behind her and saw headlights coming towards her. She looked around in fear as she tried to spot a safe place, or some way of possibly getting out of the area she was at. She needed to get away from the White pick up truck that was aggressively following her. She panicked as she realized who was driving the car. She ran out of the telephone booth in fear. The floor was all wet and slippery from the hard, pouring rain but that didn't stop Eva from running and running faster to save her life. The car door opened as a man stepped outside it. He was wearing boots. He aggressively slammed his car door. Eva found a bathroom to safely hide at, she was hoping she would make it out alive. There was a gate locking the bathroom from people getting in but, luckily it wasn't locked. Eva quickly opened the gate as she ran through the bathroom. She looked around the bathroom as she found a good stall to hide in. She closed the stall, hoping not to hear anybody walking through.
Meanwhile, the man with the boots kept walking, and walking. He was walking over to the bathroom, which he saw Eva run to. While the man walked over to the bathroom, he closed Eva's car door, which was right in front of his car. He looked around hoping nobody was around to witness. Eva breathed heavily as she heard loud footsteps entering the bathroom. She kneeled on the toilet, hiding her feet, hoping the man wouldn't find her. Eva put both of her hands against her mouth, to stifle a scream. The sound of boots on the floor got closer and closer to Eva's stall. The man opened several stalls, hoping to see Eva. When Eva heard the sound of the first stall opening widely, she freaked. The man rubbed his knife on each of the stalls, giving Eva a signal that she wasn't gonna make it out alive. The man got to the last stall, hoping Eva was in it. He kicked it opened aggressively as he heard the bathroom gates close. Eva ran out of the bathroom while crying, constantly looking behind her hoping not to see the man running to her. She quickly ran to her car,trying to open it. But she then realized she left her keys in her car. She tried to break the window with her elbow, but she was too weak at this moment, and too frightened. Eva looked around for something heavy to come across her way. Instead of using her elbows to break the window, she found a big rock on the ground. She picked it up and threw it at her car window. Luckily it broke, as she expected as she quickly got in the car. Her car wouldn't move. She was terrified. She looked up at her windscreen as she saw the man in black come out of the bathroom. He was walking towards her car. She feared as she shouted to her car, "COME IN!" she kept turning her keys, trying to get her car to move. She then took a look up at her windscreen, she then didn't see the man. Eva looked around, trying to steady her breath and try to calm her pain. Her car then started. She smiled. But then she realized her car was attached to the mans car. She tried to get her car away from his, and break the string that was attaching the two cars together. Eva decided to get out of her car, she started running as she kept looking behind her, and all around. She then turned around and saw a car. The car hit her. A guy came running out of the car over to Eva. "Ma'am?! Are you okay?!" he feared as he realized what has happened. Two other men came running up to the guys car. They both said, "What happened?" as they saw Eva on the ground, bleeding. "Call an ambulance, please!" the guy said.

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