girls who are boys who like boys to be girls

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It was no secret that Robert enjoyed the more feminine things in life. Something he had be ridiculed for many times by many people but a thing he chose to embrace, in some ways more then others.

It all started when he was doing his makeup before a photoshoot. He had done his usual lipstick and eyeliner but today that just didn't feel like enough. He took it a step further by blotting some blush to his cheeks and swiping on some light eyeshadow over his lids. Robert took a step back admiring his work. It looked nice, he thought, the light blue eyeshadow matched with his blue-grey suit and made his red lips pop even more then usual. His eyes looked almost silver under the ring lights of the dressing room and his skin looked smooth and porcelain. He felt pretty, beautiful even, prettier, he thought, then even possible for a man to feel. He went out to the shoot a happy man and his lipstick had been smudged off by the end of the night.

It all escalated when Robert wore a dress, well actually the entire band wore dresses. It was for a performance of Boys Don't Cry on Top of the Pops, the set had gone well, as expected, it was the aftermath that was the real catalyst. The group had to go to a party for the label right after doing the show and wouldn't have any time to change. The band, including Robert, had made their jokes about the situation but Robert had noticed something different that night.

Robert noticed Simon was being particularly flirtatious, giving Robert little kisses on his face and neck, nudging close to him and getting way more into his space then two people could possibly find comfortable. Of course Robert didn't mind this at all, he loved getting affection from Simon. But he had a slight notion that it wasn't the alcohol that was causing him to be like this, rather than the garment Robert had adorned that night.

Roberts suspicions on the whole thing were proven true after Simon pushed him into a bathroom and kissed him. Not that Robert wasn't used to getting kissed by Simon at this point, but this time it felt different. It felt more passionate and lustful, more eager then any of their past rendezvous, and Robert reveled in it.
Robert supposed that lead to where he was now, the lingerie section of a large department store. It wasn't like Robert was a stranger to buying women's clothing. He had his fair share of floral blouses and a few pairs of women's pants, the skinny kind that were said to shape your legs nicely. That was different then buying women's underwear though, this was a much more personal experience then that.

Robert almost slipped up while shopping for his "girlfriend", after the women behind the register kindly asked who the lucky lady was. Robert stammered for a moment "Si- Cindy! her name is Cindy." He muttered, slightly embarrassed that he didn't seem to know the name of his own "girlfriend". But the women seemed indifferent to the slip and sent Robert on his way with a coupon for the store and a wide smile.

When Robert got home he dropped his bag on a stoop near the door and made his way to greet Simon. He found his lover sitting on the couch in their living room, plucking out a song on bass that was foreign to him. Simon said a quick "hello love" and leaned up to give Robert a peck before returning to his bass. And Robert went into their small kitchen to write, away from Simons strumming. The noise could be a bit much for him sometimes and he preferred to write in quiet.

Awhile later the faint strumming stopped, Robert thought nothing of it, suspecting he had just got tired of whatever song he was working on. He paused for a moment, hoping to hear the light buzz of the television or Simons heavy footsteps going from room to room.

Instead, he heard the light rustling of a plastic bag.

Robert immediately shot up form his seat and dashed to the living room. Mortified as he saw Simon sitting cross legged on the floor rifling through pairs of lacy underwear. A distressed squeak came from the back of Roberts throat and the two made eye contact. Simon stood up, heading towards their bedroom and Robert followed behind him, fidgeting nervously.

Robert stood in the door as Simon sat at the edge of the bed. Taking each pair of panties out of the bag.

"Where did you get these?" He finally asked, an unreadable tone in his voice.

"Oh umm.. at the mall near the Tesco, there's a lingerie shop inside." Robert stuttered, a light blush appearing on his face as he watched his lover.

"Mmhmm" was all Simon managed to get out at Roberts response, as he sorted the pairs of underwear into piles onto the bed.

A long moment passed. "Well," Robert started, thinking about his words for a moment, "What do you think?"

"Well, I like these" he gestured to a pile of mostly white and light colored underwear "More than I like those." He pointed towards a few pairs of patterned underwear in the middle. "But I like these the most." He waved towards a pile of more satiny pairs of red and black underwear off to the side.

Robert nodded a bit, acknowledging his words. The two met eyes again before Simon spoke.

"So... any chance you'll wear any of these for me tonight."

a/n: thank you all so much for reading !! it's just a drabble but I promise I'm working on more finished stuff for the future. I've never written anything like this before so feel free to point out mistakes and give me pointers. Also if you have any ideas for oneshots or anything you want me to write please send them to me, I'd love to get suggestions !! xoxo charlie

(yes I thought of the concept for this while listening to blur, no the title doesn't really have to do with anything in the story but I thought it sounded neat)

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