Monday, July 29, 2019

8 0 2

I miss her so much. She was my best friend. I loved her. And not just as a friend, romantically. She was great. She would help me with my problems and come to me with hers. We'd tell each other every little thing about our lives. She had told me that she had a crush on me multiple times in the past, but that all changed. When I finally realized my feelings for her and was showing them to her, she turned me down. She was talking to me about some private stuff and was kind of flirting with me. After a little while, she was saying she didn't feel anything, romantically speaking. And ever since that day, we drifted apart.

One day, she sent me a text that turned out to be chain mail. At first, I thought it was real and that she was confessing her feelings for me, but it soon became apparent that it was not. Quite the opposite, in fact. Right there and then, she ended our friendship.

I've reached out to her since then, but she says she's moved on, so we wished each other well and went our own ways.

She has terminated friendships in the past just to go and be friends with those people again, but some breakups have been permanent. I'm worried to see which one this is going to be. I'm hoping I'll be able to talk to her and we'll be able to become friends again (perhaps more if she's willing) but we may just stay apart.

She said she was straight, even though she had been bi for at least a year before that. I'm thinking she's just confused.

I miss you, Silvanna.
It's sad, dark, and lonely here.
Your presence would change that.


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