The History/Legend about Ladybug And CatNoir: 🐞❤️🐱:

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A Long Time Ago, The was the Most Beautiful Lady in all of the Land she was Kind,sweet,nice pretty,and beautiful,always kind to others and she was also kind to the Animals Of course. She would always go and feed the animals after her lessons of learning after the lesson she pick out lots and lots of food to feed the animals of the Forest because there wasn't that many food in the forest for the animals to eat so that is what she does everyday after her lessons of Learning. And then she arrived at the forest. but on her way to the Forest she came across a poor little Ladybug 🐞 that was hurt pretty badly so as she saw the poor little Ladybug hurt so she picked up the ladybug and carried it to find someone to help her with the poor 🐞. So she ran......but then she suddenly remembered something from when she was little (flashback)-She Remembered that her Great-Great Grandmother taught her a very Special technique like a very special power so her great great grandmother told her this special technique/Power can help and ONLY can Heal A........LADYBUG as she showed her with a Pink and yellow Glow that came from her grandmother's hand 🖐 that was glowing like fireworks 🎆. I was so amazed that I saw my great great Grandmother 👵 put her Magical Glowing Hand 🖐 as I watched her hand 🖐 touch the Ladybug's 🐞 body as she touched it and then all of the suddenly The ladybug 🐞 was glowing red and Pink at the same time I was like woooowww!!!!! I just couldn't believe my eyes.👀 but then I stopped and then I saw the ladybug 🐞 floating in the air it was glowing like at the same time and then the ladybug 🐞 spins and spins and spins around. until it gently went onto the ground on top of a blanket. and then like all of the suddenly the ladybug was glowing just as it had just come back to life. I was so amazed and then my grandmother showed me and explained to me about it. she said that I had this power inside of me to save ladybugs lives. And then my grandmother taught me and I learned it all and got the hang of it.

(End of Flashback)

And now back to reality as I just remembered that I looked at the ladybug and I set it on the floor but before I set it on the ground I got a special blanket that my grandmother used on the ladybug before so I put the ladybug I was holding in my hands on that blanket. and then I use the power inside of my hands and then all of the suddenly my hands started to glow Red and pink so I touched my glowing red and pink hands on the ladybug that was hurt real bad I touched it I touched the ladybug's body and then also only I jumped and got scared in the way the ladybug was glowing red and pink and then also  the ladybug was floating in the air just like before with my grandmother. and then a big blast of  red and pink Light shines in my face/my-eyes and then also only stopped as the ladybug safely landed on the blanket.I was wondering if it worked or not if it didn't then I was in trouble. but then I also only I opened up my eyes. and I saw the ladybug 🐞 opened up it Eyes And when the ladybug looked at me like it looked like it was saying thank you for saving me. but I wasn't sure that was right or not but then the ladybug came to me. And like give me a little snuggle and that must've meant thanking me for saving it's life. But what I didn't know that there was a man standing right behind a tree. like he saw the whole thing and he said to himself that I think this is the one I think that She  is the chosen one. So as I soon as i and the lady bug snuggle with me a little bit. It quickly flew away. and I said bye to it. and then after that I went to the forest and I got my picnic bag and fed all the animals of the forest. and then again I see the ladybug like that I saved. and I guess it wanted food I wasn't sure what ladybugs ate so I gave it like a cookie or something. and it ate it.and it got happy then it took off again.and then all the animals took off after eating too. and so I took off as well. But little did I know that there was a man that was holding a small black box of something written on it and the man was following me. After the picnic I went straight home to see if my parents were home and they were and they asked me where was I and I told them I was feeding the animals in the forest again. My parents were that worry really they said that's really kind of you to do that for the animals. and I told my parents.yeah I'm a kind person. Then I told them I was going up to my room.

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