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my name is Ophelia Neer. My name means help. it's weird but it suits me. I live in New Jersey and go to school at Reed high school. it's a really big school with like 2,000 kids yet I only have one friend.

Phoenix O'Connor. my best friend since I moved here. even though we were 4 I think we both knew we would always be friends. Phoenix is openly gay and has been since he was 12. I know it's young but he always knew. he's single but in his mind he's practically married to grayson dolan.

Grayson Dolan. the schools fuck boy. pretty sure I'm the only girl he hasn't hooked up with. and I'm gonna keep it that way. what sucks is that he lives right next door so I can always here when he comes home with a new girl. him or Ethan.

oh yeah. Ethan Dolan. Grayson's twin just as much of a fuck boy as grayson except he's a dick, grayson is a sweetheart and has manners and a heart. I don't think Ethan even knows what a heart is because all he does is crush them. Now the thing about Ethan is that his window is right across from mine so I see him shirtless like 24/7, I mean he's hot but he's still a dick.



it's the night before the first day of senior year and I'm doing some last minute adjustments to my room so I can wake up to something that isn't a pile of clothes.

as I'm cleaning I look out my window to see Ethan sitting on his bed, elbows resting on his knees, leaned over, face in his hands, breathing rapid. I know somethings wrong instantly. he does this whenever he's stressed or worried, or both.

I'm not a creepy stalker or anything, but living here for 13 years, you pick up on things.

he's a dick but he still has feelings so I decided to write a not on a piece of paper and stick it in my window for him to see.

'hey. are you okay?'



"hello?" I shouted as I walked into the house. but I got no answer.

"is anyone home?" I shouted a little bit louder. still no answer.

I walked into our the kitchen to see a note on the counter.

'had to take your father to the hospital again. there's leftover pizza in the fridge. grayson has hockey until 6. so you'll be alone for a while. I'll keep you updated but you know your father is sick so I'm guessing it has only gotten worse. I live you so much hun. - mom'

my heart hurt. like it actually hurt. my dad is one of the only people who understand me, next to Grayson obviously. the fact that we all know he won't be around for much longer kills me inside.

I stomped to my bedroom and slouched on my bed. Just trying to think of the best way to get rid of any stress or anxiety.

I turn around to close my curtains as I was planning on taking a quick shower to help me think when I was a piece of paper facing my window from my neighbors.

'hey. are you okay?'

I've never met this girl but I know for a fact she's hot, I've seen her multiple times. I also know is that she's a good girl. She doesn't fall at my knees like most girls do, she only hangs around with Phoenix, the most gay person at our school. not that it's a bad thing.

I decided to write something back

'is anyone really okay?'



'good question. no.'



'what's your name sugar?'






'I'm Ethan'



'I know'


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