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That's Aga

With a solo chocolate forest ice cream in hand, Lea walks into the living room and eventually saw Aga floating with his deep, deep thoughts so Lea decided to join him in the couch --- taking her husband's attention.

"What are you thinking there, babes? Mukhang ang lalim ah, mind to share it with me?" her voice sounds so sweet so Aga gave her a sly smile as he tangled his both arms around her flat tummy.

"Well, I was just thinking the possible names for our baby, what do you think?" he answered, kissing her right cheek smoothly.

Upon hearing that, Lea's face swung to face him and excitement fills her instantly, "Oh, my God! Really??? What are the names you have in mind, then?"

Aga chuckled then smiles before he sweetly tightens his arms around her, "Mm... If we will have a boy, I'd like to name him after me!"

"Like a Junior?" Lea asked, taking a spoonful ice cream inside her mouth.


Lea grinned, "Oh, I like that one, and if it's a girl then?"

Aga smirked as he drew his face closer to her ears and answers, "If we will have a princess, I would like to name her Taken so if ever there's a guy greets her, she would say, 'Hi, I'm Taken!'"#


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