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Saturday morning, while Andie's asleep upstairs and the day is warm, Aga and Lea just finally getting the time to catch up while eating together but in the midst of their breakfast, Aga utters something while staring straight at his beautiful wife, "Babes..."

Lea abruptly looks up, "Mm?"

"Can I confess something?"

Lea slowly smiles and says sweetly, "Yes. Go on."

"Your smile is always the prettiest smile I've ever seen."

And just like that, Lea felt her heart melted at his words but knowing that they definitely misses each other because they got busy for quite time, Lea wouldn't let their on-going cheesy conversation to past so she decided to open her mouth after collecting her own line in her witty mind and says, "Can I confess something too?"

Aga smiles widely, nodding his head, "Yeah, sure."

Then she flashes a wide smile, showing off her complete set of teeth, finally saying, "Actually, this smile only exist when I'm with you."#

[ Say it again for me,
'Cause I love the way it feels when you are tellin' me that I'm,
The only one that's on your mind~ ] 🙊😍💘🤘

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