Chapter 4 - Lucy

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MAY 2022 UPDATE: Go read "Lucy", a spinoff of the Masked SheWolf trilogy, now updating on Wattpad, and its "Behind the Scenes" companion book that includes character profiles and a complete recap of the trilogy, as told by the characters in interview format.


The beetle is beat up and in desperate need of a paint job, but at least she's sturdy and can hold her own. I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw her in the driveway. I came downstairs for breakfast, and my parents were smiling. Not the way they usually smile at me in the morning; it was more like they were keeping a secret that they couldn't wait to tell. We ate in complete silence. Then they just told me to follow them and walked outside.

She's definitely a she, I decide. Goldie. That's her name.

"Is she really mine?" I whisper in awe.

"Not yet," Dad quickly shatters my wonder. "Not until you're 16."

My eyes go to his, rounding pleadingly. "Can I at least drive her to school?" I beg.

Mom laughs. "What? You want to show it off?"

I grin and join my hands together in front of my torso in a pleading manner. "Yes please."

"Then we can take you and Mark to school in it."

My grin falls and I frown. "That's not the same."

"Luce, you don't have a learner's permit," Dad reminds me.

"Don't worry; it's not going anywhere," Mom reassure me. "It really is all yours."

This does bring me some form of comfort, and I smile gratefully. I may not be related to them, but they are still awesome parents. They adopted me around three years ago, and my brother Mark was born a year earlier. Speaking of the little monster...


Mark runs out to join us in the driveway. His little backpack trails half open behind him, with the contents almost spilling out. He doesn't care, though. He just keeps running toward me.

"Please can I go to school with you?" he begs as he grabs hold of my leg.

I smile at him. "You're ready for a big-kids school?"

"Yeah! I'm big enough."

"You can drive with us," Dad offers.

He lifts him up and twirls him around a couple of times, and then he puts him on his shoulders. All the while, Mark is laughing his heart out, screaming at Dad to go higher.

I don't remember much of my biological family, except for my dad. But I always stop thinking about them when I'm having moments like these with this family.

"Let's go boys!" Mom finally has to call them. "I'm driving."

When I'm not with my adoptive parents, that's when I think about my biological ones. Like when I'm at school. Especially when I'm at school.

"Don't forget you've got swim class this afternoon," Mom says as I'm closing the car door.

"I know," I assure her. "I'll be waiting out here after class."

She smiles. "Have fun!"

"Learn something!" Dad interjects, objecting.

I chuckle. "I will, Dad."

Okay, here's the thing. School is hell for me. And not just because I'm a teenager and it's a normal thing we go through. Honestly, I would give anything to be a teen romance cliché. I don't have a nerd friend to sit with at lunch, or a popular girl to torment me, or even a gorgeous guy to drool over behind his back. The reality of my situation is that first of all, I may as well speak a different language than all the other kids here, because frankly, nobody seems to understand a word I say. Not even the teachers.

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