Kiss it goodbye (part 1, Gray x reader)

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I sat at one of the many tables scattered across the new Fairy Tail guild hall and sighed n frustration, looking down at my S/T arm that was wrapped in bandages and in a sling that was wrapped around my neck and torso.
I wasn't used to broken ribs. Even if I was an S-class wizard, I always made sure to not get hurt too bad even if it couldn't have been helped. I knew I fucked up my arm pretty bad when the monster I was fighting landed a hard hit on my upper-arm and pain shot through my arm. After defeating the feign, I checked my arm and my bone was sticking out of my elbow area and blood was seeping out and onto the dirty ground. When I arrived at the guild everybody was in complete shock and Mirajane Strauss immediately got bandages and a cast for my messed up arm.
I huffed, feeling stupid for letting that monster fuck with my arm. Wisps of my tied back H/C hair flew upward from my breath and my bun flopped up and then back down as I shoved back my bench and went over to master Makarov who was sitting on the nice polished bar counter. I was bored out of my mind! I needed something to do other than re-think about my own stupidity. The only reason I was stuck here was that master Makarov said I couldn't go on any type of job due to my arm being so injured.
"Master, let me go on a job, please!" I exclaimed to him in a rush of words.
Master rolled his eyes not even bothering with me. "The answer is still no child. I'm doing what's best for you. You might lose your arm if you push yourself too far by using your magic."
I saw Mirajane look up from a dirty dish and nod her head. "Master is absolutely right. Ice dragon slaying magic takes a lot out of you, Y/N." I felt my brows furrow and anger engulf me. "And you can't argue with me either because you know it's true." She added as I opened my mouth to protest. Why does everyone know me so well? So well it's not even fair at this point!
I let out another huff at Mira, about to say something to the fellow S-class mage, but Master turned around quickly for no reason. Then I sensed the all too familiar magic.
"We're backkkkk!!!!" Yelled Lucy Heartfilla, a celestial spirit wizard. In her company was Gray Fullbuster, a powerful ice-maker mage who I called one of my closest friends, Natsu Dragneel who was a fellow dragon slayer, and Happy, his flying, blue exceed. My anger melted away when my eyes landed on the shirtless Gray who had his white trench coat draped around his right arm.
"Hey, guys," I said to them, my face still annoyed from the conversation before. Gray cocked an eyebrow and Lucy's went up in surprise. "What's wrong? Why the resting bitch face?" Gray and Lucy asked in unison. Lucy peered to the left, cocking her head a bit while doing so and her chocolate brown eyes went wide.
"What did you to your arm?! You never break bones!" She exclaimed in shock. I chuckled at her reaction and explained the events leading up to my left arm to the strongest team in Fairy Tail.
Natsu was laughing his head off, Lucy was still in shock and Gray was in even more shocked. Did he think was invincible?
I noticed Happy had snuck behind the bar and helped himself to a heaping pile of fish on a plate and drooling more than a dog.
"How are you not in pain?" Asked Gray, his mouth hanging wide open. I laughed and rolled my E/C eyes. "Gray, I am in pain every time I move this useless thing."
I smelled flame and saw that Natsu and his fists were engulfed in burning flames. "Since your hurt, I can win! Finally!" He exclaimed. I sighed and let ice case itself around my right hand. "Let's go flame brain. I can take you any day!" I claimed, a smirk forming on my face. Natsu had his classic fanged smile and I went in to strike first so I could get this fight done with. I then felt a hard hit on my left shoulder blade. It made me let out a small squeal and then fall to the ground. The pain was unbelievable. Was my shoulderblade broken aswell?
"You see what I mean, child? You can not be using magic. You will lose your arm! Even if you are strong, mentally, physically and magically, your arm won't be able to handle the magic!" scolded master. I glared at him with dagger eyes as Gray pulled me up from the wooden floor, letting me rest on his now bare chest for a moment.
"Fine.." I said, acknowledging what gramps was saying to me.
I didn't want to lose my arm. I'd become weak and my dragon, Glacianna, taught me to be strong. I also wasn't stupid and knew to lose my arm would affect me forever.
I made my way out of Gray's muscled arms, embarrassed as fuck for being corrected in front of him, Lucy, Natsu, and other guild members. I sat down heavily at a bench with Cana who was chugging an entire barrel of wine (🍷 keeping it classy~A/N). I never really got used to her drinking so much alcohol but I simply rolled with it, watching her drink.
She pulled the barrel away from her lips and smiled a bit wonky. "Hey, Y/N, wanna swig?" I think she meant, 'want a swig?' But that was fine as well. I nodded and grabbed one of her empty cups, letting her pour me some wine. I took a drink, letting the drink flood into my mouth. I took quick sips, drinking away the day in my embarrassment.

I was sitting in my boxers at a table with Lucy, Erza and Juvia starting at Y/N. She had been drinking since we got back from our quick job, which was 5 hours ago. Y/N was beyond wasted but was still drinking with Cana, now only in her bra and her short-shorts.
"Gray, why are you staring at someone who isn't your own?" Whined Juvia. She was right next to me and I huffed in frustration. I propped up on my arm and leaned forward, trying to put space between us. "Well, she has drunk herself senselessly, Juvia." Said Lucy nervously. "Y/N never does that..." She added, looking back at her. My head perked up when Y/N hopped up on the table and started yelling out random things.
"NATSU AND AND WUSSY SITTING IN A TWEE K-I-S-I-N-G!!!!!!!! AND WUVIA AND WRAY!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO" I face-palmed and got up from my seat, heading over to the table. I looked at Cana and huffed. "Why'd you let her drink that much!?"
Cana hiccuped and shrugged her tan shoulders, brown locks falling off her shoulders. Realizing she was hopeless, I looked up at Y/N and saw her twirling her hair. She sucked in a breath and then yelled out, "Gway!!! Hey huddy!!! Come hereeeee" she used her free hand to pull me up and I stumbled onto the table, almost falling.
"Y/N, what the hell are you doing? Get down, your going home." I saw a devilish smirk form on her S/T face and a glint come in her pretty E/C eyes.
"Can I go home with you?" She pushed herself upon me and I blushed bright red.
Her breast was pressed against my bare chest and her right leg was wrapped around my left one. Y/n was beyond drunk and was now doing things she didn't even mean. We have always been close friends since the day she joined the guild and this was just awkward but oddly... pleasing.
I blushed even more and moved her off of my body. I grabbed her right arm and carefully dragged her down from the table. I noticed Cana was smirking and looking at me with her brown eyes saying, 'you about to get laid.' I rolled my eyes and passed the table I was sitting at, bringing Y/N to the guild doors. Juvia was whining about me being close to another woman to Erza, who was chuckling about the situation.
"C'mon, we're going to Fairy Hills," I said, putting Y/N under my arm and supporting her. I shoved open the door and after about 20 minutes of stumbling towards her apartment on the second floor of the building, we finally made it.
Her apartment door was unlocked so we just walked in. When I looked at Y/N, her H/C hair was falling down from its bun and was all in her face, her face was flushed and her eyes were slits. I never noticed, but, she had dark purple, almost black, circles under her eyes.
"So, are you tired Y/N?" She sluggishly nodded her head, stumbling toward her couch which was right next to the door. I set her down gently on her back so she wouldn't damage her arm and immediately, Y/N was falling asleep. I smiled and stared at her a moment longer. I moved her hair out of her face and bent down to kiss her head gently. My lips made contact and I saw her smile.
"Night-night Gway boi." She mumbled.
I smiled. "Night-Night Y/N."

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