The drive

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Tori had decided to take a back way that she knew to get home, Tamra didn't really care at this point and as long at Tori kept her mouth shut she wasn't going to have any problems with the weird road they were taking. Tamara watched out the window of the car mindlessly as she listens to the mind numbing music on the radio. She soon snaps out of the daze when they car seems to go over a bump "Fuck!" She says I'm surprise as she bounces up a bit in her seat. Tori glares over at her "Don't be a fucking baby Jehovah's witness it was just a bump." Tori growls out as she keeps her eyes on the road "Well you can blame me if you drive over a fucking pothole without trying to avoid it!" Tamara shoots back, irritation clear in her voice. Tori grits her teeth as she keeps driving down the road "Listen I need to pick something up from a friend and they are on this road so I thought that you could handle a bit of a longer trip but clearly not." She says, trying to stifle her want to raise her voice. Tamara roles her eyes and takes a sip of her drink that was now down to about a quarter of the cup. Tamra was getting irritated by the fact that Tori felt the need to even comment on her surprised cursing.

Tamara groans to herself as she turns back to the widow, noticing that they were getting a bit out of town "Commie you said we'd be going home after a short trip. you trying to drag me out to nowhere and murder me or something?" Tamara says with a bored tone in her voice. Tori glances over at her "I told you, I just need to pick something up from a friend.though I'm not above your idea Jehovah's Witness." Tori shoot back with a bit of a cocky tone in her voice. Tamara roles her eyes again as she keeps her gaze out the window, she was going to try her best not to antagonize Tori even if it was tempting to say things back to her. The car fell deathly silent, the only sound was the gravel road underneath car as they drove. Tamara had turned off the mind numbing songs of the radio which were basically just three songs on repeat at this point. Tori turned onto a now nice road, it was shaded by trees and soon a building can into view. It was a large building, well it was large in the sense of being long with the building itself only being one story. Tori gets a stern look on her face as she parks and turns to Tamara "I give you money for two venti ones every week and you never talk about this place to anyone." She says a new look of seriousness and a military level of sternness that shook Tamara a bit. Tamara just nods her head, her usual aloof and neutral attitude faltering a bit as she looks down at her hands and fiddles with them. Tori gave a small sadistic smile as she looks at Tamara, she loved this reaction especially from Tamara of all people. She loves the taste of power over her enemy before getting out while locking the doors. She walks up to the building and knocks on the door to the tune of a
old song from her country. The door opens quickly and she walks into the house with a stern look of Business on her face.

Tamara's attitude had shifted back to her usual neutral and had put in a earbud to listen to her music "Who is she to boss me around?! I know this place is weird and like hell I'm leaving the bloody car but the cunt could at least just brought me home first before this stupid shit!" She half yells at her thighs as if they were gonna agree with her somehow. Tamra grumbles as she turns up her music and just looks out at the forested area around them. She was grumpy that she had to sit and stay like some dog but she wasn't sure if she wanted to get out of the car and look around anyway. It feels like an eternity until Tori knocks on the back glass of the car to signal for Tamara to unlock the back on the car. Tamara jumps lightly at the knocking since she had kind of zoned out in her state of boredom. She quickly unlocks the car and Tori opens the truck,  pushing a box of what Tamara guesses was machine parts and then closed it and got back into the drivers seat "Okay now we can go home." She says as she puts the car in reverse and does a u turn as they drive back up the gravel path. Tamara lets out a small breath she didn't know she was holding as the two woman had finally got back onto a pavement road. Tamara looks down at her phone and see's the time was about four "How long is it gonna take us to get home?" She asks Tori, the other woman noticing that she had shifted back to her neutral attitude she also moved back to her more loose and sassy attitude "About twenty minutes but I can it fifteen if you want to try some speeding and running some lights?" Tori says glancing over at Tamara with a mischievous smirk and a small twinkle in her eyes. Tamara's eye's widen and she shakes her head "No way, I was just making sure we got home before Ell and Matilda. I don't want them knowing I actually did something with you, then Ell would push us to hang out more." Tamara says with a shiver of disgust at the idea of it. Tori roles her eyes as she drives, the road being pretty clear since she was as taking a back road. Tamara puts in her other ear bud and leans against the car door with a small sigh.

Tori turned back in her music as she saw that Tamara had both her earbuds back in. Sadly Tamra wasn't one to invest into something nice, usually buying a crap pair once both of the ear buds stopped working. Tamara glares over at Tori as she hears the radio over power her own music. Tori started to notice the burning gaze that was getting shot into the back of her head and glances back over at Tamara "What is it? I like to listen to music to Jehovah's Witness." She says with venom lacing her words, Tamara growling lightly as she grabs pulls out a ear bud "Yeah but it still over powers my music even with my headphones in." She says back her glare seeming to get more agitated now. Tori glares back from the corner of her eye as she drove "It's not my fault that you can't seem to buy some decent headphones. If you keep buying some cheap five dollar headphones every other week instead of just buying a good pair that will last maybe you wouldn't have to deal with my music!" Tori shouts, her voice having started at a talking level and slowly gotten louder and more Irritated. Tamara growls under her breath and just turns her body over to look out the window, seeing that it was only about two to three minutes until they got back to the house.

After about three minutes of a car with an atmosphere so thick with anger you could cut it they pulled into the driveway. In the process Tamara quickly got out of the car for once, slamming the car door behind her and heading up to the front door. What both irritated females had failed to notice was that Ell's car was back in the driveway. Tamara took a deep breath and tries to get back into her regular attitude as she gets out her house key and opens the door just to see the tv was on and Ell and Matilda sat on the couch. Tamara sucks in a breath "Oh Shit."

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