Chapter Eighteen

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With nothing better to do, and the hours of the night creeping up on him, Adrian took a shower then found Vincent's office. He stared at the center of the room. It reminded him of the first time he'd ever met Vincent Phantomhive. This room was nearly identical to the one at his company. The desk. The lack of things. The singular intricate painting on the wall. Adrian stared at the focused face of Mr. Phantomhive. He was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man on the planet. Too beautiful for Adrian. Too beautiful for anyone. He was a Greek god. A vampire. Any mixture of the two.

"Mr. Phantomhive," Adrian walked forward to the desk. He placed his hand on it, gently sliding it across, and walked around the desk. "A certain Mr. Crevan will see you now," Adrian smiled.

"Did you take a shower?" he asked, without looking up. "You smell clean, perhaps I shall lay you across my desk right now? What a sight that would be."

Adrian sat on the desk and spread his legs. He ignored the papers and tilted his head, "I choose the desk." He wasn't expecting Vincent to do it. He should've known better than that. Vincent was a man of his word. He meant everything he said. Which could be a blessing and a curse. This time, a curse. Adrian shouldn't have been too bold.

"If you insist," Vincent stood up and placed his hand on Adrian's lower back. He pushed him into him. The two entered a fanciful kiss. Adrian wrapped his legs around Vincent, forcing him forward, into him. He really wanted to be fucked on this desk. He'd been imagining it since day one. Adrian just didn't realize how badly he wanted that until now.

"Are you sore?" Vincent asked.

"A little," Adrian admitted. Of course he was sore, he couldn't figure out how to get the balls out of his ass.

"I like you sore, Adrian, it reminds you that only I have been where I have been," a flicker of possessive entered Vincent's eyes. Adrian quaked.

"You're being weirder than usual, Vincent," Adrian admitted. He had no qualms with it, in fact Adrian found it nice to be this wanted. It boosted a small piece of his confidence.

"Am I?" Vincent pulled back. Adrian refused to release his legs. He clung tighter, keeping Vincent in place.

"Just a bit."

"I see." There was conflict in Vincent's expression. That wasn't something Adrian normally saw. He shouldn't have said anything. There goes his boosted confidence. He grabbed Vincent's hand and placed it on his back, guiding it under his pant line down to his ass. "You never took them out?" Vincent's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"You're the one that told me not to touch myself," Adrian chuckled. "Don't you remember?"

"That does seem like something I'd say..."

Vincent pushed Adrian down onto his desk. He stripped him of his clothing, allowing it to fall all around them, and kissed his chest. "You're so smooth," he grinned into Adrian's skin. "Did you use lotion?"

"Just a bit," Adrian blushed, not wanting to admit that he'd searched hours for lotion. He looked in all of the not obvious places before realizing some people kept it in the bathroom.

"You smell like me now," Vincent chuckled.

"Must be a side effect of being yours."

Vincent froze. Time stood still. Adrian's heart rate growing more and more rapid with the longer Vincent didn't move. Did he say something wrong? Shit. "This is a mistake," Vincent stood up and turned to face the window behind his desk. "You should leave, Mister Crevan."


"Did you not hear me?" Vincent turned his head ever so slightly. His eye the coldest it had been in some time. "You should leave."

Anger. Rage. Frustration. Hadn't they gone through enough together already? Why was he pushing him away again? What could be so godawful about Mr. Phantomhive that he never let Adrian get too close?

"I'm not leaving," Adrian sat up. He crossed his arms and frowned. A determination building up inside him, refusing to allow him to go anywhere else even if the big bad wolf declared it. Adrian truly was a masochist at heart. How terrible. Or, how fantastic, depending upon how you look at it.

"You are leaving, right now," Vincent pointed to the door. "You don't know how horrendous of a monster I can be. You don't want to know. So we're going to end this, right now, before anything happens to you."

"Surely you have some sort of built-in limit."

"It's a mistake to think like that, Mister Crevan."

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't care before you believe me? We're made for each other, Mr. Phantomhive."

"That's a fairytale."

"Then let's keep it one. Punish me."


"Show me how bad it can be," Adrian reached out and grabbed Vincent's arm. "If you're that worried, why not just drive me away by force? Punish me."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"I do know, but do you?"

Vincent grabbed Adrian's hair and pulled him off the desk. He dragged him to the door of his office and pushed him out. "Twenty-four hours, Mister Crevan, then show up in that room."

Adrian watched as the door slammed closed. All he wanted was some steamy office sex and now he opened a much larger can of worms. This was a nightmare. "I'm going to fuck it up this time," Adrian sighed, going back to the bedroom. "Maybe I would've made it better as a sex slave...?"

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