Chapter 1: Josephine Samaniego

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Hays...its a new day again and i spent it all in this house or should i say house of boredom rather.

by the way I'm here in MY bedroom doing MY morning routine's then ill go in MY kitchen cooking MY breakfast, after that i read my books that my daily routing. Imagine how bored it is right? Well we don't do anything about it.

I emphasize word MY because this is my house and i can do whatever i want, i have family but not beside me, I'M ALONE. I want to feel that i have a family, laughing together, eat in just one table together, I want that feeling, well i think i cannot able to have that feeling anymore because of my sickness.

My disease is started when I'm just 10 years old when i involve in car accident, it was 8 years ago and got comatose for 2 months, when i wake up i  feel something strange, its hard for me to breath and it have a lot of blood coming out on my nose.

then the doctor said that my disease is Vampire sickness, this disease is cause in that accident because it affects one of my organ that control the body temperature, that's why i cant live the life that i used to be. And the doctor also said that my disease very strange and cureless the person that have this is cant live any longer, last time they have a patient this person only live for 5 years after diagnose in this disease. So my doctor said its a miracle that until now I'm still alive.

after that accident its hard for me to adjust because my family is not able to live with me anymore they might died in coldness, that's why i think I'm alone till death.

anyway no more dramas anymore lets go back to reality.

even my family is not here, I'm still happy because John and Carlos is with me. they're pure breed wolf who's live with me, for me they are not just a pet, they are my friend and a family.

I met them when i am first time here in Greenland. yes i am now living here in Greenland but somewhere that no can survive other that animals.

while I'm walking surrounding to familiarized this place, i sew them on the small cave, they look so weak and abandoned by their mother so i decided to take them home.

actually i moved here 5 years i go because my family decided that its not healthy if I'm exposed in too much air con its better that i used a natural coldness.

my family is rich so they can afford anything and provide what i need. every month they have staff that come here to send some foods and stuff that i need for my everyday life using our private plane or sometimes helicopter.

"awwoooo!!aww! aww!" bark of my wolf babies.

"oh so my babies are here, John and Carlos come here"

John have a gray black fur and Carlos have pure gray pur.

even though my family is not beside me at least i have my John and Carlos beside me.

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