Chapter 2

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Loki's POV

It has been 2 days since I've been released from that wretched cell and into the care of a mortal woman who is already trying my patience. Day 1 she stole my book, made me chase around my room, then had the audacity to make me beg for the book. After I got the book back, she went through my draws! When I wasn't looking! Day 2 was the constant asking of stupid questions! Today has been peaceful and it is well afternoon, but I'm still hiding in the closet, with my book.

"Loki I know you're in there!"

Crap! She has found me! Soon the closet door open and the impudent brat walk in.

"Found you!"


"Quit your screaming!"

"What kind of torture have you come up with for today Emily?"

"None, I just wanted to ask if the palace had a music room?"


"Yes, why?"

"Well wanted to play some music, but the place is so big I would get lost... I also had no idea if the was a music room."

"So you want me to take you there?"

"Please if you wouldn't mind?"

Well, she has not threatened to beat me yet today.


Maybe this will get her to stop being so bothersome. Before I even have time to think any farther, she yanked me up from my spot and out of the closet. As soon as I can I take her hand off my arm, and walk in front of her, and have her tailing like a lost little pup.

"Oh, and because I have to watch over you, you can't wander off."

"Yes I know this, keep walking"

After that, we walked in silence, taking a few left and right turns to get to the music room. When I stop in front of the door and open it, Emily gasps in awe at the room. I watch he walk in and pick up a violin, tune it, and begin to an interesting yet pleasant tune.

While she played Thor, Sif, and the warriors three showed up and watched as she played and danced around the room. I will admit she is quite stunning as does so. It's almost as if she was performing, for me... as she had not noticed the others walk in. So when she finished, Thor and the other scared her with loud booming applause.

"Lady Moore, that was amazing!" shouted Thor

The rest nodded in agreement. I watched as she blushed and spoke.

"Please that was me just messing around... If I was to seriously play, well you would think me something else."

"Please, we are all something else Emily."

"Of course Sif."

"Anyway, we were looking for you when heard music."

They were looking for her? what on earth for? She is MY personal guard, she should be with me! Not those buffoons.

"Well, you've found me! What can I do for you?"

"We were wondering if you wanted to train with us? And of course, Loki is welcome to watch."

"Thank you, Thor, that sounds like fun."

What? Fun? Can she fight? Is she even human?

Emily's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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