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Matt's POV

           "I love you.." I mumbled, hugging Edd close. "I love you too, Mattie" Edd muttered very quietly. I blushed and smiled before going back to sleep.

~¤next day¤~

           I woke up with Edd on my chest, I hugged the smol boy before getting up. I walked to my closet and grabbed my normal clothes. I stared at my normal purple hoodie before putting it back and grabbing a sweater of the same color. I got dressed and looked in the mirror, admiring myself.

I heard blankets moving behind me so I turned around, "Oh! You're awake!" Edd yawned and smiled at me. "Get ready so we can eat breakfast!" I said, "They are serving waffles today!" Edd got up and put his hoodie back on. "Did you wash my hoodie?" He asked, looking at his once dirty hoodie. I nodded and fluffed my hair.

Edd finished getting ready and went to me, "Ready!!" I took his hand and walked out into the hallway. I glanced at him, his cheeks where light pink. I smiled and walked to the Cafeteria. Edd and I got food and sat together. We were both subtlety flirting with each other. Edd completed me and I blushed, giggling like a little kid.

Edds POV

           After breakfast Matt said he was gonna show me a surprise. I was following him to a room. When we got there he knocked. The door opened after a few seconds. Me and him stared for a few seconds before I squealed "Tom!!" Tom smiled. "Edd you're okay!!" He yelled, squishing me, "I'm so sorry for leaving you all alone!" I hugged back, assuring him that I was okay.

We all stayed at Tom's room until Tord forced me and Matt out so he could talk to Tom ('Talk') me and Matt walked back to Matt's room and rested on Matt's couch while watching Netflix togeather. I was cuddled against Matt and Matt had his arms around me. I was wide awake but Matt was dozing off. I didn't want him to sleep, though. I thought for a second before kissing the sleepy ginger. 

Matt's eyes shot wide open at the small peck and his face turned red. He started grinning like an idiot and giggled. I continued watching the show while Matt was still giggling and blushing. I eventually got tired and wanted to go to sleep. "Matt, I'm going to go to sleep. Okay?" Matt nodded and watched his show. "Goodnight, Matt. I love you." Well, frik. I let that slip out and blushed. I laid on my pillow and closed my eyes.

"I love you, too.."

(YOYOYOYO two chapters in one day. I dont believe it. Here have a drawing of what Doctor Alex looks like. 《Art drawn by yours truly》)

 《Art drawn by yours truly》)

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