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Michael Clifford and Lara Vail have lived in the same apartment building for almost a year now. They have glanced at each other about nine times during those eleven months. Michael would know because he counted each time Lara had looked at him; even if it was just for half of a second. Lara had noticed Michael Clifford, but did not think anything of him. She thought of him as "just another guy." Lara is either in her apartment, studying at the library, or in class. Michael was always talking about her to his best friend, Calum. Finally, after Calum got annoyed with Michael's constant adoration, he replied with, "Dude, why don't you just take her mail?"


So we're excited to be starting this! It will be a short story so it won't really be fanned out. There's two of us (we're twins) writing this and we have the plot planned out already. Vote and comment your thoughts (good or bad).

WE LOVE YOU BYE ~Cat and Cal

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