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It was a week until Michael's bithday. I want to get Michael I good birthday present, (since that book was a joke) but I can't think of anything. Six days after that, it's Thanksgiving. My mom has been texting me nonstop about coming to see family. I go to college about six hours away from home. But I like it that way. I'm the oldest of four and all of my sibling are at least five years younger, so my parents are busy with them. They do pay for my apartment and food (which I'm very thankful for). My mom had me in her first marriage, but I don't really talk to my real dad. It doesn't really bother me because my step dad filled his role when I was little. 

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving, Clifford?" I ask. I have been really proud of him for going back to his classes. He even found a job, but I don't think I'm going to make him pay any rent. I don't even pay for any rent. He answers with, "My parents said I could go home if I wanted, but I know they don't really want me there. So, probably playing video games. What are you doing?" Just then I had an idea. My parents are always asking me if I have a boyfriend. I could take Michael with me to make my parents happy and Michael wouldn't be alone (they don't have to know that we're living together, obviously). "You're not going to play video games on Thanksgiving," I say as if that was a fact. He looks at me with a confused face and says "And why is that, Larry?" "Because you're going to my family's Thanksgiving as my boyfriend." "Are you implying that I'm your boyfriend," he asks me with a funny giggle. "No, you'll be my fake boyfriend, stupid," I respond with a idiotic grin.

It was weird to think that I've only known Michael for a couple months and we were living together. We never talked to each other before, and when we did, we became best friends instantly. I liked living with him. He has a lot of shirts I like to steal. My parents will be happy thinking I have actually found someone I had an interest in. Even if he does have an odd choice of hair color. 

"You should start packing because we're leaving the day after your birthday," I tell Michael. "How many days away is that?" He questions. "Two." 

Michael and I are both hungry, so I make speghetti for dinner. "Wow, Larry, I think this is the best speghetti I've ever eaten. I'm in heaven," he exaggerated. I laughed and continued eating. Michael spoke again, "I'm a little nervous to meet your parents. They're going to think we're together and give me the cliche talk about not hurting you." "Michael, you'll be fine. I don't really care what they think of you, anyways," I assure him. He gets a weird grin on his face, and says, "So, if I'm pretending to be your boyfriend, I get to kiss you?" "Very funny, we'll see," I reply. 

A while ago, we decided to just share my king-sized bed. We're best friends, so it isn't awkward at all. Michael claims I'm a bed hog, but I think he is. I always wake up with him using my whole abdomen as a pillow. He says that I'm "warm and snuggly."

It's now Saturday, Michael's twenty-first birthday. When we woke up, I made us chocolate pancakes. Michael loves anything with sugar, especially chocolate, in it. I brought out his presents from me and set it on the table as he was eating. "Why'd you get me a gift? Haven't you done enough?" he says in a sarcastic voice. I smile and tell him to open it. When he tore away at the paper at saw all the different colored hair dyes, he had the biggest grin on his face I have ever seen and said, "Thank you so much, Larry." There was all the colors of the rainbow including black and a bleach. I reply with, "Open the other one, idiot." The next one was in a little envelope with "Clifford" written on it along with a picture of the big red dog I drew. Inside, there was small of paper with things written on them like "a dinner made by Larry," and "three free hugs." "I love it, thank you," he said genuinely. "One last present!" I yell and jumped up from my seat to go get my keys. "Come on, Clifford." 

We arrive at the pet store as I realize how crappy I look. I had on ratty shorts and a shirt with a picture of a elephant on it that I got from the zoo. Not to mention, my dirty converse and hair that was in a braid down my back that I did last night. Michael was confused on why we were at the pet store at ten in the morning on a Saturday. I lead him to the back of the store and find an employee. "Excuse me, sir, I reserved a kitten last week and was wondering if I could pick her up now?" I asked. The man answered, "Of course, right this way." 

Michael looks over at me with wide eyes and says, "We're getting a cat?!" I laugh at his reaction and reply, "Yep." He picks me up and spins me around a couple times and kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've wanted a cat since I was ten!" "You're acting like you're ten," I say to Michael, "put me down, stupid." He sets me back on the ground as the employee brings out the kitten. It was the most adorable thing ever. She was orange with white stripes and had the softest meow ever. As the employee hands Michael the kitten and we start to walk to the doors he says, "Why did you decide to get a cat for us?" "Because you're a kitten," I answer. 

We get home and take the cat inside. "What are you going to name her?" Michael answers with, "I don't know. Probably Jenny." "Are you really naming our kitten after a song by Walk the Moon?" I question. "Why not?" he replies. "Well, okay. It's your birthday."

After dinner and lots of playing with Jenny, she was asleep on Michael's chest. "Are you packed for the trip? We're leaving tomorrow at eight in the morning," I ask. He looks caught red-handed as he answers, "Maybe..okay no but I can't get up. Jenny is adorable, I can't move or she'll wake up." "You're ridiculous," I say as I finish packing the rest of my things.


Happy Halloween! This story only has one or two more chapters. We're most likely starting another story after this one is over and I'm so excited about it!!

Vote and comment please!!

ilysm!!~Cat and Cal

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