Death of a hero

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Death of a hero

At a young age I witnessed the death of a hero

It wasn't a shocking out of the blue moment

A tragedy unfurling in a blink of an eye

No, no.

It was a slow decay over years and years

Decades even

An agonizing faltering of foundations

Torn by the stench of single malt

Finally collapsing under the lies

Swallowing trust and love

And all the happy memories are buried deep within the rubble

You tried to hide the cracks under colorful wallpapers

And mowed the lawn every Saturday

But no white picket fence can hide the dust clouds anymore

They hover over our ruins like a huge neon sign

Everyone can see the skeletons in your closet now

No one is left to keep up the pretty, pretty facade

You once were a hero, at least to me your were

Then the tatters of your cape ran trough my fingers

And now you are the villain in the story I never wanted to write

But what do you care...

Six feet under the view is different, I guess 

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