Chapter 1

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Yn's POV

I woke up to the sound of my little princess waking me up for work so i got up went and took a shower and when i got out i put on my clothes and then i went to go curl my hair while i was in there my baby came in and sat on the toilet seat.

Cayla: mommy

Me: yes baby girl

Cayla: when can i go to daddy house

Me: Well daddy isn't home baby

Cayla:  well when is he coming

Me: in four more days daddy got concerts he gotta do princess

Cayla: but i miss him

Me: ok baby how about when i come home from work we'll call daddy

Cayla: ok

August POV

I woke up it was like 3 pm man i was hella tired from last night show but after i got up i went to take a shower after that i put on my clothes cause i had an interview i had to go to

At The Interview

Leslie: (the interview lady) August how's life

August: its been ight

Leslie: well August so is it true that you broke a girl Cervix cause your penis was the size of a febrezze bottle

August: well idk maybe it is maybe it isn't ....well i haven't fucked for a while now

2 hours later

I had just finished my interview and now tonight i got a concert in New York and now i got rehearsal

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