Chapter One

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The Epidemic

Chapter One

"Jacob, where are you?"

I looked around our new apartment as my father tried to hide from me simply because he was bored.

"Jacob!" I shouted as I rounded a corner. I heard him laughing in the bathroom and I threw the door open.

"Come on, you know you're meeting Daniel, Brian, Adrian, James, and Rocky today! Quit acting like a child!" I said as he stood to leave the room.

He made a face. "Oh, can't a man have a little fun, or is that illegal now?"

I made a face and rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes, and so is bathing. Showering, however, isn't." I said sarcastically.

The boys (Daniel, Brian, Adrian, James, and Rocky) were named Josh, (Brian could keep his name), Jackson, Cole, and Kody. They were at the site of The Dynasty cult and were too close for comfort from their governments, minus Brian, who was from Rwanda. I figured that Rwanda was too busy dealing with the crisis and had no interest in tracking down some guy named Brian who ran off with weirdos wearing black plague masks who could fly.

Hi, I'm Adalyn Maybelle James, and welcome to my insanity.

Anyhow, we said goodbye to Macedonia and we miss Nicola and Katina greatly. However, we already have a meeting set up with the English diplomats and we are currently preparing our speeches and presentation so we can easily get them on our side and run off to America for the final phase of the mission.

Then, once we get the Americans on our side, the rest should fall into place with the allied diplomats coming to meet with The Federation diplomats to try and work out some type of peace deal. However, if this doesn't work, then we'll knock on war's doorstep and commence World War Six.

We all hope and pray that the event doesn't happen, as we all want peace. However the prospect is unrealistic as of late. Even the diplomats I interacted with told me that the prospect of avoiding war was near impossible.

But, we can all dream.

"They'll be here any minute and you're still in your pajamas! Come on!" I said as he ran into his bedroom to change.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. Scout, my husky, came bounding over and sat next to me on the couch. I smiled and began to pet him.

"At least you'll do what I say." I murmured as Jacob came out of his room.

"Okay, I'm done with this role reversal thing. Let's do this!"

"Finally! I thought I'd have to knock you over the head with a frying pan or something." I responded as I stood and went to meet the boys in the lobby of our apartment building.

Kody was the first to show up, and the others followed behind.

"It's so good to see you all!" I said as I gave them each a hug.

"You too, Adalyn!" Josh said as he hugged me.

"Well, let's go up to my apartment." I said as I motioned for the group to follow me.

We waled to the elevator, and I pushed the floor button. The doors closed and we began to head up.

"So, how have things been? Any issues?" I asked.

Josh shook his head. "No. I think we're in the clear for now. The storm hasn't arrived yet and I think we'll be fine for a bit longer."

I nodded my head. "Good. I hope that stays that way."

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