I don't even wanna know

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Peter's POV

I'm so excited because I just learned that the king and princess of Wakanda are coming over to Stark Tower to talk to Mr. Stark about stuff.
"Now kid remember it's the royalty of a nation so be on your best behavior. Ok"
~magical time skip brought to you by I made this up as I wrote the story~
The princess and king arrived and Mr. Stark and I went to meet them.
"Mr.Stark it is so good to meet you."
"You too your highness"
"Please call me T'challa."
"Hi.", said Shuri
"I like your accent where you from" I said
And without a moment of hesitation Shuri said "I'm Liberian"
"Oh my bad", I said and then whispered "I like yo accent where you from?"
"Oh my god Peter really?"
Mr.Stark just proceeds to roll his eyes and walk away

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