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"Smile!" My aunt encouraged while ushering me out to the podium.

My hands become very sweaty and I could feel a lump in my throat.
This was my first time speaking in front of a very large crowd. To add on to this, it's a wedding speech and it's all in Korean.

I wasn't just nervous about the wedding but more or less about the groom and the bride, my dad and his new wife.

"ALRIGHT LETS GIVE IT UP FOR MIA!" My aunt hollers while clanking her glass with a butter knife.
I watched from the podium as everyone gathered themselves at their tables and stare directly at me.

I cleared my throat and began my speech.

"My father was a man of hard work. W-when I'd spent my summer with him growing up, I re-remember him having sleepless nights hunched over our foldable table in our small apartment." I felt nervous and tried to keep a consistent pace. I stopped panicking when I began reminiscing on the thoughts of my childhood, at least the good parts. Which were mostly me visiting my father as a little kid.

I felt a slightly relieved breath leave my lungs as I stared into the crowd with a confident and courageous look.

"He'd worked hard and when he got fired from his jobs he'd continue to shine through. No matter what obstacles he faced he always worked through them. He taught me what hard work really is, taught me to keep going even when the unexpected thing happens, taught me to have passion, and most importantly to remember who you are and what you truly want to be." I saw my dad's table through the many tables before them. Even with a bright light on me I can still see him smiling proudly. It almost looked like he was crying.

"Fast forward to now. He has a bigger home, a better job, and through that he found his true love. The one that'll be there encouraging him just as he will do the same back to her. They both live off of powerful energy and love. It's what has me so excited to welcome his new wife into my life. I'd like to thank you, Junho for being there for my father through thick and thin." I raised my water glass high, watching as others do the same and I sip it.

The crowd cheers and I leave quickly. Once off stage, I feel a long breath leave my lungs. I felt less light headed and much more balanced.

I take a seat at the table, right next to my dad who softly pulled me close to his side. His eyes watched the next speaker come up to the podium, but I could just feel the proud and happy vibes just from his arm draped over my shoulder. His little grin never left his face as each person goes up and cherishes the memories they've had with the groom and bride.

Soon the wedding shifts to the dancing part and I'm shoved along to the dance floor. I see my father and he waves for me to join him.
He had just ended his first dance with his wife, Junho, and had waited for me to dance with him.

He held his hand out to me and once I take it he glides me around, we held on as we spun in rapid circles like he did when I was little.
He'd put on some old records from his dad's collection and we would dance all goofy to each one for hours. My dad and I had a long past of seeing the good in everything.


"Ah daddy I was told to come collect Mia. Mom says she needs you." My stepsister comes budging in, She pulls me back from my father's arms and points off in the crowd.

My father coughs and nods his head before rushing pass groups of people.

"Is Junho okay, Jen?" I asked after turning back to my stepsister, Jenyoung. Everyone just calls her Jen. She wore a very revealing dress. It was a red satan skinny strapped dress that ended a little below her butt. Her high heels gave her some height but she still managed to be shorter than me. She was supposed to be matching like the rest of the brides maids but she refused to because she had just bought this dress and didn't want to wear anything else but that. The $1,000 went to me, I was placed in at last minute and had to get her dress fixed to my body shape. Junho wanted us to be all the same, our makeup, our dress, our hair, and even our accessories. The only thing they said we didn't have to match on was shoes.

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