
18 1 0

Tw- inplied self harm and suicide, bullies, i think thats it tell me if i need to add anything


They protect us

There meant to

It whispers

Come closer

Build me taller

They are going to hurt you

Betray you

Leave you behind

Forget you

Hate you

The people trying to break my walls down

Don't want to help

To gather intail so they can hurt me easier

Well it works

But what is the reason?

Just to hurt?

Your actions don't only hurt short term

This is going to affect the rest of my life

I hope you know that

The rumors

And cold stares

Hurt more than a knife

Dragging across my skin

Its been a year

But that knife looks beautiful

Maybe i should draw

Something fantastic

In red

On my skin

That hurts

You need to know something past you decided to do still haunts me

The trust you violated

The lies you told

Ruined me

People tell me to forgive

But how can i do that if I don't forgive myself

I still blame me

Why did i

Why didn't i

Fill my thoughts

Until the only thing that seems better is a knife in my heart

You tell me you will miss me

I almost laugh

The lies you tell

The sly comments

I wish for the truth

I done with bullshit excuses

Just because your life is bad doesn't give you the right

To make someone else's life bad

So don't tell me

"She has a really bad home life cut her some slack"

I have run out of slack

So i'm falling

Down from the progress

With punches of bullies and betrayal

Hitting me the whole way down

Until rock bottom

Where i rot in despair

I can see it coming

It's here.

Life hurts, just because your life is bad doesn't give you the right to make someone else's life bad

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