Part Four

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After what just happened, I decided to cancel all my plans for today and stay home with Cyrus. Ya know, it's funny.. How we were only fighting just yesterday, and now... I'm crying over him cutting. Dammit.. Like the plague, his kindness spreads.. "Come on.. Let's go up to my room and talk" I said, "Okay.." He said. I dried my tears that were still streaming down my face and led him to my room and shut the door. "So.. Mind explaining what was going through your mind?" I asked, "Nothing. I saw the blade.. Told myself I was alright and that I'm not gonna cut.. Next thing you know, blood is streaming down my arms and dripping onto the floor and all I could hear with the dripping and the ticks of the clock." He explained. That doesn't make sense.. "So.. You zoned out for a few seconds?" I asked, clearly confused. "Yes.. I think" He replied. He started looking around my room. "What ya looking for?" I asked, "just looking around.. I've never been in here before" He said, "Ah" I said. We sat in silence for a bit as I let him get used to his surroundings. "Okay, so.. What do ya wanna do?" I asked awkwardly, "uhhh.. I don't-" His phone buzzed. He took it out if his pocket and looked at the text. "Buffy wants to know if I can hang out today at the Spoon.. Andi and Jonah are gonna be there, too.." He said. Oh no. "Would I be able to come?" I asked, "uh.. Yeah, you can come. I'll just ask.." He said.He started typing something on his phone. "I asked if I'm aloud to bring someone and she said okay" He said. I smiled at him and stood up. "Come on" I said. He stood up and we walked out of my room and house. Is it gay if I hold his hand? "H-" "Hey, TJ, can I hold your hand?" He asked, cutting me off. "Uh- sure" I said as I held his hand in mine. This isn't gay, he's just a friend. Soon enough, we got to the Spoon. We walked inside and were greeted by a very happy Amber. "Ohhh, is he your boooyfriend?" She asked, "No, I'm straight" I said. Why does saying that make me sick? She rolled her eyes and walked away. We looked around and saw Buffy, Andi, and Jonah sitting at a table. Buffy and Andi were facing away from us, but Jonah was facing us. He was smiling til he saw us holding hands. He looked at Buffy and Andi and said something, then they all looked at us. "Uh.. We should go over there" Cyrus said. I had a bad feeling in my gut, but I didn't wanna leave Cyrus. We walked over to them and Cyrus sat down next to Jonah. I opened my mouth to speak, but Buffy stood up and pushed me. I closed my mouth. "Why we're you two holding hands!?" She yelled, "Buffy, it's okay.. We're not dating... I just.. Didn't wanna feel alone" Cy said. I nodded. Buffy stared at me, then sat back down. "You can sit next to me.." Cy said. I sat down between him and Jonah. Why does it make me upset to see them sitting together? I'm straight.. I don't like Cyrus. The entire time we were there, no one spoke. Andi, Buffy, and Jonah were all staring at me. "So... What uh- what you guys wanna talk about?" I said, breaking the ice. "Cyrus, I need to talk to you" Buffy said, "I'll come with" Andi said, "o-okay.." He said. They all got up and walked outside, I was left with Jonah. "I-I gotta-" "Go to the bathroom and not come back til they're back? Okay" I said, looking down. He nodded and ran to the bathroom. Amber came over to me, "what's up with them?" She asked, "I kinda made Buffy hate me.. She made the rest of them hate me.. Cyrus though, still is my friend.." I said, "Ah.. Well, I could put a word in with Jonah.. Change his mind.." She said, "Nah.. It's okay, he can hate me.." I said, "Okay.." She said, then she walked away. Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus walked back inside. "Jonah, they're back" I yelled. Jonah walked out of the bathroom and sat back down where he originally was.
Oh no.. What do they need to talk about? "Why we're you holding hands with him!? Why were you with him anyways!?" Buffy yelled, "He-he-" "We don't need Micheal Jackson, we need answers!!" Buffy said, "He helped me.." I said quietly. "How did he help you!? He's a bully! He's friends with bad people,Cyrus! " Andi said, "He's changing, guys.. I swear on my life, he's changed.." I said, "how!? What has he done that makes you think that he changed!?" Buffy asked, "He.." I sighed, "He helped me in the moment life was slipping from my grasp" I said. They looked at me very shocked and confused. "What do you mean?" Andi asked, "I-I don't wanna talk about it.. It's nothing important" I said. I walked back inside and they followed. I noticed that Jonah wasn't there, but then Tj yelled that we were back and he came out of the bathroom. I sat back down next to Tj. Amber walked over to us, "What will it be, today?" She asked, "The usual" Buffy said. She wrote it down and walked away. "So... What now?" Jonah asked, "This is awkward.." Tj said, "Yeah.. Because of you" Buffy said. Usually, we talk about all the drama with Tj and Reed, but we can't do that now.. And I don't wanna. Amber came back over with the baby taters and our milkshakes. I started playing around with the baby taters, trying to lighten the mood, but the only one smiling was Tj. I got so sad- well, even sadder than I was- when no one else would smile. "jOnAh, nOoOoO" I made one of the baby taters yell. Jonah looked at me, then at the taters. "It's too late, Andi, jAnDI iS oVeR" I made the one playing Jonah yell, catching Andi's attention. "But no- Tj was here to save the relationship!" I said. I got another tater that I called Tj, "No, Jonah, I was the one who killed your butter!" It yelled. I got another baby tater and made it Buffy, "nO tJ, yOu'D mAkE iT wOrSe" I made her yell. By this time, everyone was smiling and laughing at the stupid show I put on. Eventually, Andi (the baby tater) got so mad, she shoved Jonah in the pit of doom. Which means I ate him. Then Jonah started pouting. "Aww, what's wrong Jonah?" Andi said, laughing. "He ate me!" Jonah complained. I laughed at him, along with Andi. "I'm still not gonna be friends with Tj" Buffy said. Tj looked at the ground and frowned. "Whyyyy" I said, "He's sexist" She said, "Not anymore! I swear, I'll pass you the ball at basketball games!" Tj budded in, "Promise?" Buffy asked, "Promise, I'll even tell the other players to pass it to you!" Tj said. Buffy finally smiled at him and he smiled back, making me smile. I'm happy right now.. Why does it feel like my life is still falling apart right in front of me?

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