Part five

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"I'll go and change, fetch some stuff from my room", Jaime said when they arrived in front of Brienne's door.

"But you'll come back." It was a stupid thing to say, she knew he would, but after his last leaving her so suddenly, it tumbled from her lips before she could stop it.

"Of course", he assured her. It hurt that she had to ask it, but he couldn't blame her. "Wait for me, I won't be long", he promised.

She watched him how he made his way down the hall and disappeared behind the door of his old chamber. Then she turned around to enter her own. The fire had burned down, but as she had stayed true to her habit of putting wood on when she left, there was still some embers. She placed a log so that it had contact with the heat but could still breathe, kneeled down beside the fireplace and watched as the wood caught fire. It was a nice feeling, the heat of the growing flames on her face and their light dancing on the wall. Her thoughts glided away while her eyes were captured by the fire. It's bloody hot in here, Jaime's voice echoed in her ears. That was how it had started. Would it be strange to be here again, with him, in this room, with a fire burning and the dark of the night outside the window? It didn't take long until she would find out. She heard the door opening, turned around and saw how he came in, closed it again and drew the bolt, just like he had done in the bathroom, and Brienne felt her heartbeat quickening.

"Hey", he said softly.

"Hey", she whispered back as she stood up. She had forgotten to change, she remembered now that she looked at him in his fresh clothes. She had wanted to, but watching the game of the flames had carried her away. Relieved, she discovered that he wasn't wearing anything especially relaxed, just a normal shirt and pair of trousers that didn't stand out against her everyday-attire and his need for a change after the journey had been much more urgent anyway. There would still be time later, she decided, and changing with him in the room after their shared bath also shouldn't be much of a trouble, so she put the thought aside for now. Instead, she went to the bed, sat down on the edge and mentioned him to sit beside her, as he still stood in front of the closed door, apparently waiting for her to make the first move.

"So...talking", he said once he had sat down.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Anything in particular?"

"No, just...anything." It soothed her that they had settled on only talking for now, but what had somehow slipped her confused brain was that there had to be a subject. Fortunately, Jaime helped out.

"Brienne", he started slowly, "I'm sorry if- perhaps you don't want to talk about it, and it's alright if you don't, but-" He seemed to be struggling with the right words. "I was asking know so much about me and my...history. Who doesn't, right? How I became who I was before I met you, my family, my sister...and I just wondered if you would mind telling me a bit about you. Before we met, I mean. Your father, Tarth...your past."

Brienne breathed out in relief. She had been worried about what he might be going to ask her, but this was something she was fine talking about. She had actually always wanted to tell him about her home, but had never done it, unsure if he would even care to hear it.

"I don't mind", she told him truthfully. "Not at all." Jaime smiled and climbed on the bed, leaning his back against one of the bedposts to be comfortable while listening. Brienne followed him and copied his position so they sat opposite each other.

"So...Tarth", she began. "It's just wonderful, I can't imagine a better place for a child to grow up..." Her gaze wandered into the distance and he was sure that she was imagining her isle right now before her inner eye. "The blue water we're known for, of course, white sable, green grass-covered hills and forests...the landscape is really beautiful. I'm sure you would love it." Jaime liked the dreamy sound of her voice when she spoke of her home.

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