Part sixteen

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Guys, it's done! I did it oh my god I'm so exciiiiteeeed!

This is the final chapter. The end to the longest fanfic I've written so far. And this part is a long one as well. It just kept coming and coming. Maybe see it as a sort of goodbye treat. *Sniff*

Thank you all SO MUCH for sticking with me and this story, for all your kudos and comments and kind words and and and. I really can't express my gratitude in any way that would be even nearly adequate!

And now before I cry, enjoy the epilogue and I just hope that I managed to give all of us an ending that we're happy with and that puts a smile on your face.

"Come on, Jo", Catelyn called excitedly as she ran in front of her sister, "you said we'd climb the tree today!"

"Climb? A tree?" Joanna wrinkled her nose. "No, thank you, I'll get my dress dirty", she said, stroking over her pink skirt as if to swipe invisible stains off. Cat rolled her eyes. It was a habit of hers.

"They can wash it, silly", she said, trying to grasp her sister's hand in order to drag her forward, but Joanna snatched it away before she could grab it.

"I know they can wash it!", she snapped a little cross. "And I'm not silly. I just don't want to spoil my dress."

"But you promised!", Cat wailed, pointing towards the woods where her favourite climbing tree just waited to be ascended. "And you never cared about your dresses before", she added impatiently.

"Well, I am now", Jo said solemnly, feeling quite mature. "Aunt Sansa said I'm a lady now and ladies don't climb trees", she announced, crossing her arms indignantly as Catelyn just giggled.

"You're not a lady."

"But Aunt Sansa said-"

"Aunt Sansa is boring", her sister cut her off, wiggling back and forth on her feet in a very un-ladylike manner, as Joanna didn't fail to notice.

"She's a Queen, Cat!" The other girl's eyes sparkled when she smirked.

"Just what I said: boooring." Jo opened her mouth, but she was just too shocked to find any words. "Aunt Arya is much more fun", Cat continued instead. "She wants to help me with my training." Now it was Jo's turn to roll her eyes, but before she could find something appropriate to reply, they were interrupted by the voice of their father as he crossed the courtyard and neared them.

"And what are my little princesses doing on this fine day?"

"Daddy!" They both ran towards him - well, Cat started running and Jo didn't want to be left behind, so she was forced to do the same.

"Hey, what's the matter?", he asked slightly concerned as they came to stand in front of him. "You two could be heard from a mile away."

"No, we couldn't", said Jo quite seriously, shaking her head at her father's ridiculousness.

"That's too far away", agreed Cat in a far more carefree giggle. Jaime smiled in amusement.

"Ah, you're right", he admitted, getting down on one knee to be at eye level with the girls. "You caught me. Why are you two so insufferably clever?" He ruffled through Cat's dark blonde curls and she laughed. "But really, what are you fighting about?"

"Jo says she's a lady now because Aunt Sansa said so, but I think that's stupid", Cat blurted out immediately and he had to hold back another grin.

"It is not stupid!" Jo shot a piercing glance at her sister.

"If you are a lady than I am a knight", Catelyn snapped back, causing Jo to roll her eyes rather theatrically.

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