The Sweets Gang

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Lifeisgoodenough, what the hell? You might be asking. I dont know. I dont even know when or how I was inspired. I just remember watching TV and then. Hey! You there! Yes you! Make a sweets gang! So here we are

 Hey! You there! Yes you! Make a sweets gang! So here we are

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Name: Marole


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: she is the bron of the gang. She will fight for her friends and defend them from whatever it is. Even if it was impossible. She had a bad experience with knifes

Likes: Her friends, Mint candy, Her karate Lessons, Vanessa (not like a crush, Vanessa is an old friend)

Dislikes: Bullies, Knifes, and Robin

Fears: Knifes, being alone, Her dad

Name: Candice

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: She is the smart one and the leader. When Vanessa lost her arm, she made her robotic one. When getting attacked, she will often try to outsmart them so Marole can attack. Had a horrible accident with her father

Likes: Her friends, Tea, Pink

Dislikes: Rape, Her dad, Being alone

Fears: Her dad, death, being alone

Name: Kane

Age: 16

Sexuality: Acesexual

Personality: She is a manipulator, she'll only use this against people they hate or someone who deserves it. She had a horrible time growing up

Likes: her friends, lying, chocolate and d[input invalid, try again]

Dislikes: Robin (I know, she gets a lot of hate) bullies, Nicole, vanilla

Fears: being alone, her mom, Monsters, black ink

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