The Parking Spot

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   On Friday, June 17th, a new coworker stole my parking spot

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On Friday, June 17th, a new coworker stole my parking spot. For almost two weeks straight, she has been taking my spot. It's the best spot in the whole parking lot, with close access to the doors. I miss my spot.
  I will get my revenge.
After two weeks of having my parking spot stolen at work, I come up with a way to deter this problem. Through some stalking, I found out that my coworker, Kelley, gets to work just ten minutes before me. Now, a normal person would just get there before her, but I'm not normal plus, Kelley brags about her parking spot and everyone knows, it was mine.
Now, my plan is to put weird and absurd things in the parking spot in hopes she'll get spooked from that spot. I have it all planned out. On the first day, I'll put a scary porcelain doll in the spot, then I'll just figure out the rest if that doesn't work.
After writing in my journal, I close it, turn off the overhead lamp and jump out of my chair and crawl into bed. With an devilish smile on my face, I fall asleep.
   The next morning, I wake up feeling rejuvenated and excited. I dress into my usual work attire, which consists of a subtle dress, flats and a matching shirt. After I get dressed, I head into my bathroom to put on makeup, but when I look into the mirror, I decide to not put my makeup on. Instead, I grab a hair elastic and put my hair up in a ponytail.
    I finish up my business in the bathroom, and make my way out of my bedroom and into the my kitchen, where I then proceed to make toast and butter. It takes several minutes for me to finish my pieces of toast and I return the plate to the sink, where, yes, I did get it from.
Before leaving for work, I make sure everything is off and make sure all my doors and windows are locked and after securing everything, I grab my lunch and purse from off the table and walk after slipping on my sandals, I walk out into the fresh morning air, with the sound of birds singing peacefully. I start up my energy smart car, back out of my driveway and head off to work.
I take the quickest way to work, which leads me through side streets in order to avoid the start of morning rush hour and by the time I get to work, the sun is just raising. But when I turn the corner and see my parking spot. It's not taken so I park in the spot next to it, and roll down my window. I then rifle through my purse and pull out a bag of pins and I toss all of them out of the bag and all through out the parking spot.
    And once I look Kelley is right, waiting to turn into the spot. She saw me toss the pins, so she gets out of her car and approaches me. "What the heck are you doing, darling," she questions me. "Uh, it was an accident," I hesitantly reply. She gives me a confused look while looking down at the pins. "You covered my parking spot full of pins," she then exclaims. "No, no, that is my parking spot that you have been taking," I shout back. Kelley seems taken aback and doesn't another word for a minute, before letting out a, "oh."
   I shake my head and question, "why did you take my spot and brag about it?" At that point Kelley seems to get a little shy and in response she says, "I'm sorry. Have it back."
    And then, all of the sudden, she starts picking up the pins and then placing them in front and behind my tires. "No! No! Stop it Kelley," I scream. I look out my windows and I don't see Kelley anymore, so I put my car in reverse and push on the gas. There's a loud thud and I immediately stop. This time when I look out my rear view mirror, I see Kelley laying halfway under my vehicle.

Haha this was a bad story

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