Botbots part 1

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"EAT THIS STARSCREAM!"-Bumblebee screamed throwing a plastic donut at a flying off Starscream

"AGH! Decepticons retreat.We got what we wanted!"-Starscream screamed with a gigantic plastic donut hanging off his wing

Few minutes later during the flight over a ocean

"Eghm....Starscream...can you tell me why did we go to that shopping mall? And why do you have that plastic ring on your wing.I don't think this makes you fly faster heh"

"Well Skywarp...I was appointed by lord Megatron himself to go on a special mission there"-Starscream responded confidently even tho he also didnt knew the purpose of this mission

"Really? What did he want? Some shampo? Hahaha"-Wheezing arrow cackled

" will see later Wheezing Arrow. You will see"

After few minutes of flight the seekers landed in a secret decepticon base hidden in the forest

"Ogh Starscream. You are finally here. I was wondering if I should send a rescue team,you incopepetent fool"-Blitzwing guarding the enterance responded

"Yeah yeah Blitzwing I also love you. Now quick call Lord Megatron. I have the transport for him"-Starscream snarkly responded trying to take the donut of his wing

"Lord Megatron. Starscream arrived with a ...hah unexpected delivery..."-Blitzwing started laughing when he noticed how much trouble did Starscream have with taking off the gigantic candy-"Hah...egh...Starscream....Megatron is waiting for you in the main hall"-Blitzwing cackled

After few minutes Starscream met with Megatron

"Welcome lord Megatron.I arrived with the package"-Starscream said puting down a big crate of random kitchen apliance,toys,fake food and other things

"Great.But first....I need to check if you took right things
"-Megatron activated a special scanner from his hand. The machine slowly started beeping and cracking-"Yes....its what I wanted. Good job Starscream. You are dissmised"

"Eghm...first ogh Greatest....can you first explain me...why did we steal all of that stuff? I dont think a...old photography machine will be usefull to us?"-Starscream said looking through the box

"Starscream...your not a scientist,so you are not premmited to work on the project.Now dismiss or else I will throw you through the room!"-Megatron angerly screamed at Starscream

"Egh...Of course lord Megatron....I will be quiet..."-Starscream said walking out of the room-"Egh "You are not a scientist Starscream" well Megatron...If I still had my many phisics and phyloshopy degree then you would say otherwise.Just give me some time and I will be the leader of the decepticons!"-Starscream angerly stomped through the decepticon base

While he was walking through the base he stumbled upon some drones transporitng the box in to the technic and engeenering

" this is where its going...maybey I will snoop a little"-Starscream walked in to the room after the drones

The room was big and mostly white with many different cybertronian and earthly tools used to work on developing the new weaponry and technology.Most of the workers were drones with expection of some high positioned Decepticon scientists

"Hey you. Generic seeker!"-Starscream screamed at one of the workers

""-a blue and purple robot responded

"Yes.Megatron wants you in his room! NOW!"-Starscream lied to the robot

"Ogh yes Starscream.Im going. You shouldn't stay in this room withouth special plating. I can only tell you we are working on something that emits gigantic levels of energon radiation"

"Energon radiation you say?Give me some of that plating. Megatron told me to surpives you"

"You? You are suppose to suprevise us? Im sorry Starscream but Thundercracker would be better"


" were also one...sorry. Here take this spray. One plate will cover you for around a mega-cycle*.Project BB is worked in the room B2"

"Egh...go there or else Megatron will be angry..."-Starscream grinned through his "teeth"

Starscream was left alone in the first room.He covered himself with the special substance and walked in to room B2.Suddenly a set of drones appeared next to him with devices simmilar to those used by Megatron

"Energon radiation level normal.Protective substance applied.You can proceed"

It seemed that the device was a energon radiation meter.Those weren't used for a really long time due to a stabilisation of energon in use

"Order!"-Starscream screamed-"What are you working on?"

"Ogh...Commander Starscream.What brings you here?"-Szarag one of the decepticon scientists asked

"Well Im here to check up on your work"- Starscream said pacing around a gigantic work table with the crate on it

"Eghm...okay Commander. The proggres on project BB are moving well. We managed to source the type of energon that is inside all those little human gadgets. Its the same type of energon we use in our weaponry. Probably all the battles that you partook in"- suddenly Szarag got halted by Starscream

"Those thingies have energon in it? And the same type of energon as our weaponry? Are you developing a type of weapon using those thingies?"-Starscream said picking up a old polaroid camera-"Ogh for sure will be destructive"-Starscream said sarcasticly

"NO STOP PUT IT DOWN!"-Szarag slapped the camera out of his hand-"We didnt test how those things will work with energon inside our body. It can be dangerous for us or for those things. And if we loose such a big amount of energon Megatron will for sure off line us"

"I understand...well do your job. I will go to lord Megatron to report your work. Good job"

"Okay Commander"

After Starscream walked out of the room he started thinking

"Hmm...maybey I will need to do some experiments myself"-Starscream laughed

Later that night Starscream sneaked in to the laboratory

"Now lets see if i can use this energon.This gigantic amount would easly power me up so much I could overtrhow Megatron with a single shot AHAHAHAHA"-Starscream maniacly laughed

As his first test Starscream took the fake donut and started experimenting with it he used a machine thats used to recharge the energon weapons. But he attached one set of cables to the donut and the other set to himself

"Well...your spark beats only once"-Starscream said as he activated the machine

A gigantic jolt of electricty schocked him and the donut. A gigantic spark of energy went through their bodies.

"This was a bad idea"-this thought went through Starscream's head

Suddenly a gigantic explosion left the laboratory in a cloud of smoke

"*cough cough* agh failed...agh slag why dose this always need to happen to me"-Starscream said in anger-"No mater what I DO I ALWAYS"-his angry rant was suddenly stopped by a high pitch robotic beep from the corner

"What the...."-Starscream walked up to what used to be a big fake donut

"Beep"-the donut responded

"What...did...I creat it?"-Starscream couldnt belive what he did

"Beep"-Donut stood up on its small legs

"I DID! I created you...I AM YOUR CHIEF! YES! Now I will need to just do this proces again with alll the other items and I will have my own army of transformers that are compleatly loyal to me!And you will be my second hand! I will name do fleshlings call those sweet rings...D'uhnats? Yes from today your name is D'UHNAT!"-Starscream yealled holding the robot in his arms

*End of part 1*

Transformers Botbots storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora