A change of plans

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Chapter 5

So much had happened recently that I'd lost count of how long it had been since I saw Sasuke. I hadn't forgotten him of course but with the ninja war going on, I didn't have time to concentrate on anything but protecting my comrades. I promise I'd never let any harm come to them, but one had already fallen, Neji.

I miss Sasuke. I always knew that feeling would never leave but it's been almost 4 years since he left and my feelings haven't deteriorated in the slightest. I mean, he might as well be my brother. But I did gain one thing from all this, I can finally understand how Sasuke must have felt all those years in Konoha, when Itachi left.

The allied shinobi forces were in a battle against Obito and Madara Uchiha who were controlling the ten tails. Their only hope was Octopops and Kurama but they had used up most of their chakra and needed a break. Many people died in this time, including Neji. That's why I couldn't let this happen again. Kurama, after having a long break came up with a strategy. I was to pass a percentage of his chakra to every member of the allied forces. I used shadow clones to speed the progress and soon, for as long as you could see there was a warm orange glow. After that was done I released my own cloak in order to provide the others with more chakra.

Obito seemed astounded meanwhile Madara stood speechless. However my plan didn't involve simply sitting back and watching my comrades do the hard work. I had already sent several shadow clones to collect nature energy, allowing me to use sage mode. I sent the remaining which helped disperse Kurama's chakra to join them. This way, I'm increasing Kurama's power and multiplying the use of it. Suddenly the odds had changed and I am relieved to say I think we have a good chance in surviving this horrific battle and minimising deaths.


I strolled along with Suigetsu and Jugo after using Orochimaru for information and a reanimation of the Hokages who were not far behind us. We had just left Konaha. Being there was strange. It caused me pain, but only the kind from memories. The memories of Naruto, that time we kissed and the first time we met Kakashi and he tested us with three bells. The odds of passing that test were extremely low, it demonstrated team work which apparently we had a lot of. Although most of that was due to me sympathising with the boy I had grown to admire. The memories we shared in Itchi Raku rushed back too. It was probably Naruto's favourite place in the whole of Konoha, I had to go back. And so I did, I sat there, without ordering just recalling the times we shared. The old man didn't recognise me of course, everyone had forgotten me but I already knew that.

Returning to Konoha changed my mind. I couldn't go along in destroying it, especially as that would mean defeating Naruto and his dreams, not to mention allowing Itachi's death to be in vain. I just couldn't. Therefore, keeping my plan silent from the others I decided ultimately to follow Itachi's wishes. After all I couldn't have another soul despising me, especially not him. That doesn't however mean that reanimating the Hokage's went to waste. I could think of many different ways to make good use of them.

But first I must find Naruto before he does something wreckless and gets himself killed. That is his signature move after all, I know he has grown up and become stronger some what but a bit just isn't enough. In fact, I wonder just how much he has grown.

We continued stolling to where the noise seemed to be coming from. That's when I saw the ten tails less than a mile away, but not only that. More terrifying than that was a huge ocean of what looked like flames, but wasnt. They felt warm but extraordinarily powerful. Terrifying. The chakra was enormous, far too strong to be Naruto's or the nine tails. As inquisitive I was my eye caught sight of something even more exciting. Naruto.

I froze. My heart knocked against my ribs and I couldn't bring myself to move. There was a line of about 16 Shadow clones sat on the floor perfectly still no more than 20 metres away. What was he doing? Has he really succumbed to fear?! That's not the Naruto I know. As the Hokage caught up, I heard Third and Fourth sigh. I looked around puzzled. Did they really think I would use them to fight Naruto? They were right in some sense. Except it won't be them fighting. I will. I am simply going to see how strong he has become. After all they say the best way to read someone is through battle.

However this is going to be a challenge since I am frozen to the spot just from looking at him.

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