Coco "Diva" Fierce

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Coco. Coco? Coco!

Coco Fierce lived a life of luxury as a child. Everything was placed right in her perfectly-manicured hands, and everything was done for her. Her seriously wealthy parents (and this is rather unbelievable) staff members loved her dearly. She was simply a charming young girl that one could not forget!... In everyone else's eyes.

In Coco's own perspective, all this affection and pampering was enough to drive her insane. She often watched the news channel with the staff in their quarters (upon her million dollar mansion), and sat there as the world outside was burning. Murder, drug cartels, mass shootings, and overall injustice... it shook Coco to her core. She had never experienced or seen anything like that in her life.

After her first view of the news channel, She searched far and wide for something that would fill the gaping void that grew bigger and bigger each second inside of her. It was going to swallow her whole, she didn't know what to do. It clawed at her during every single elongated breath she took.

Each moment she stepped into her ballroom with her personal acting teacher, the feeling grew smaller. It was an outlet that allowed her to step inside the shoes of someone else, to temporality exit her seemingly mundane and high-class life. It was perfect.

A thing that was handed to her (that she actually did enjoy) were gymnastics lessons. She became so persistent and agile that her family had a jungle gym built on one of their many acres, another outlet to avoid the quicksand inside her.

Acting nor gymnastics could ease her more than going out into the "real world".
She snuck out some nights donned in a wig and sunglasses, eagerly dipping her toes into the deep end of life. What she saw at night when she disguised herself was.. horrible, yet invigorating. The police were not keeping people safe like she had thought all of her life. The police were the ones who were in the wrong.

Constantly using their power to harm and wrongfully murder others, it reminded Coco of herself. She was constantly abusing her wealth, but at what cost?

She stayed awake for hours one night, scrolling on Internet forums about police brutality and corruption. Coco was enthralled by a user named DENOMINATOR, an avid poster and self described "seeker of the truth". The user claimed to be a hacker and had leaked many police body cam tapes and files, opposing the force.

From that moment on, Coco knew what she was going to do with her wealth and life. She was going to act in her own will, being the helping hand that the police force refused to give, while also diving into the dark sea of truth.

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