The Heist

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Esmerelda Bum exited the gang's white truck one boot after another. She pushed her platinum blonde wig around so that it would cover her earpiece as she made her way to the back of the Fleeca Bank. Once she reached her destination, Coco and Jada soon followed after.
"Okay. Looks like there's around 5 people inside, great. Esmerelda, the office part of the building is all clear; you'll want to slide in using the left skylight. Don't forget Kowalski's files." Coballt watches from the many monitors in their truck, guiding them.

"Yeah, yeah." Esmerelda copies, pulling herself up onto the roof. I guess that gymnastics lesson with Coco really did come in handy, she chuckled to herself.

"Coco and Jada, once Esmerelda gives us the 'all clear' you'll run in like we planned." Coballt reaffirms. The two women looked at one another and nodded, waiting for Esmerelda's signal.

Inside, Esmerelda slithers around the dimly lit office. A manilla folder catches her eye, one who's red ink reads Kowalski. You corrupt cockwaffle... she whispers to herself, snatching the files and placing them into her backpack. She makes her way to the exit of the office area and peeks out the door. "Shit! I see cameras.. Coballt?" She holds her earpiece.
"You're fine, I shut down their monitors behind the counter. They can't retrieve any footage."

"Awesome sauce. Coco and Jada, you guys have the all clear." Esmerelda copied. At her word, Coco ran into the bank and popped the water balloon between her thighs. "AAUGH! My water just broke! Someone take me to the hospital!" She frantically yelled, dramatically crashing towards the ground. The citizens in the bank rushed towards her and attempted to help her up.

Behind the scene, Esmerelda rushed into the clerk's door and put a poisonous washcloth to the bank teller's mouth. "Breathe it in, baby!" She whispered in his ear, quietly chuckling. He fell to the ground, and Esmerelda quickly dropped on her knees to the floor and searched under the desk. "Found the vault combination" She peered over the counter, "Jada, start some bigger shit. I need these people out of here." She ordered.

Jada stormed inside of the bank. "HOLY FUCKIN CANOLLI, YOU MORONS! WE NEED TO TAKE THIS LADY TO THE HOSPITAL! No time for cars! Everyone get ya hands under her and let's rock and roll, the ER is down the block!" She theatrically commanded. All five citizens followed her lead and left the bank, carrying Coco. Esmerelda let out a burst of laughter as she ran towards the vault, the code (written on a sticky note, of course) in hand.

Her half-burnt fingers quickly entered the passcode in. 01772935. Easy. She ran inside and filled her duffel bag with as much cash as possible, then quickly took her backpack and did the same.
"And that, my friends, was our first bank heist. Remember? Can you believe it was only two years ago?" Coco amusingly gazed at the three other girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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