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Silly things you argue about

(Whether you love him more or if he loves you more)
R: I love you
Y/n: I love you too hun
R: I love you more
Y/n: I doubt it
R: oh yeah?
Y/n: yep, cause I love to MORE!!!!
R: impossible

(He argues by claiming he can just pull out)
B: I'll just pull out
Y/n: no, use a condom
B: why? I can pull out easily
Y/n: honey you failed to do so last time
B: huh
Y/n: Ben you are stupid
B: I'm confused
Y/n: you forgot to pull out, don't you remember
B: ever heard of plan B?
Y/n: yeah, you're lucky I had some.
B: well just use that again
Y/n: oh so you are admitting you suck at pulling out
B: shut up

(Y'all argue about cardboard ben)
Y/n: joeeeee
J: whaaaattt?
Y/n: cardboard Ben is staring at me
J: he likes you
Y/n: ew
J: hey don't speak about him like that, he's sensitive
Y/n: I bet you love him more than me
J: what if I do?
Y/n: then you can fuck him tonight instead
J: wait, I was joking!

(You argue over him sleeping in to much) (lol)
Y/n: wake uppppppp
G: no I'm tired
Y/n: it's 11 am
G: exactly, it's too early
Y/n: what do I have to do to get you up?
G: I'm not getting up
Y/n: why
G: I told you I'm tired
Y/n: fine, I'll just go cheat on you then
G: Ok! Ok! I'm up!
Y/n: thought so

A/n hehe, I keep laughing about joes preferance, he would fuck cardboard ben wouldn't he

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